
Jane Pounds Obituary :- An overview of Jane Pounds with her Obituary

What’s the story about the Jane Pounds Obituary Who is she exactly? The written, informative news article below will provide information about Jane Pounds.

Why do people spend so much time searching for Jane Pounds’ name? Recently, the search engine was filled in the United States using one keyword that is based on Jane Pounds. Today we’ll reveal important information through this news article.

This news article is for anyone who is looking for Jane Pounds’ Obituary. This article will give you all the information about Jane Pounds Obituary as well as a glimpse into her early years.

An overview of Jane Pounds with her Obituary

Jane Pounds was the first search engine result ranking rank for Jane Pounds. She died in 2015 at the hands of the Lord. According to her life story, she was living with her loved family. At the time she died, she was surrounded with her loved ones and staff at Hillcrest Baptist Church Rest Home. Although she had been to heaven many years ago, her family and church staff can’t quite comprehend the news. Visitation was held October 23, 2015. She was a person anyone could love and admire.

Jane Pounds Obituary – Memoirs of Jane Pounds

Her life history shows that she was born in the United States on 6th November 1936. Her mother was born in the Carolina southern region. She also received a degree in 1956 from the prestigious Spartanburg Junior College. Further, her life history shows that she retired in 1998 from the “Rexham Corporation.”

Jane Nimmons Clark was her mother, followed by Robert Elliot Clark and La Salle Clark Jr..

Jane Pounds Obituary . More information:

Her life story also states that her son Patty (Phillip Allen Pounds), her daughter Karen (Steve Clark Pounds) and Jane’s husband, ‘George Luther Pounds’ are her survivors. According to close friends, she was a caring person. Her passing is a devastating loss to her family and neighbours. According to the official statement, the visitation took places on 23 October 2015 around 1pm. As we mentioned, family members and staff of the church were also present at the visitation.

Jane Pounds’ Obituary further reveals that Jane’s family expressed gratitude to all staff members at the ‘Hillcrest Baptist Church Rest Home,’ and the Karan Helms. Jane’s family thanked all the staff at ‘Hospice in Union County’ for their care.

The Conclusion:

The above information has been sourced from trustworthy sources. No information is false or misleading. Jane Pounds was terminated on the 20th of October 2015. The church’s staff as well as family members held the obituary on October 20, 2015. Like Jane pounds Obituary you can learn more about this type news by visiting our blogs frequently.

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