
Most Common Plumbing Mistakes Homeowners Make

As the plumbing systems are an essential part of your home, it’s necessary that you keep them well-maintained. No excuse would justify the hazards that a failed plumbing system can cause. From minor-looking leaks to drainage problems, the issues may be major and require you to act as soon as you notice them. It’s best to call your nearest plumber Davis CA and get the job done. 

But do you know that most of the plumbing issues are a result of the errors made by homeowners? So, let’s take a look at the most common plumbing mistakes that homeowners make and avoid which can save them trouble to a great extent. 

  • Overtightening Connections
    It goes without saying that most homeowners can handle minor plumbing issues. However, small mistakes when completing the repair tasks can cause problems with pipes and fixtures later. One of the most common errors that people make while fixing their plumbing problems is overtightening connects including fittings, pipes, supply tubes, and toilet bolts. This may result in cracking a fitting by tightening it too hard that it can’t handle the pressure. Even if the crack doesn’t appear immediately, it may weaken the pipe over time and it may break and cause leaks over time. It’s important for homeowners to know that tightening a plumbing pipe or fixture too hard doesn’t always result in avoiding leaks. In fact, it’s tightening up to the right amount that will help you avoid leaks and keep the fixtures safe. 
  • Pouring Grease Down The Drain
    The plumber Vacaville CA believes that pouring grease down the drain is one of the easiest ways of damaging the sink. If you don’t pour grease at all, the trap at the bottom doesn’t clog much. This also means that you will have fewer clogs and hence, less damage caused to your drainage system. Instead of dumping grease into the sink, you must toss it into the garbage after it has cooled down to room temperature. This way, it won’t even melt a hole through the container and will be disposed of properly.
  • Dumping Litter Into The Toilet
    It’s important that your cat uses the litter box as it is meant to. It’s good if it does that. But what do you do about the litter in the box? If you feel that tossing the cat litter into the toilet is an easy way of disposing of it, you are wrong. Putting litter down there may make your bathroom overflow. Instead of doing this, you must make sure that you put it in the trash. 

Overusing Liquid Drain Cleaner
It takes a lot of time and money to make plumbing repairs. It’s also common for people to look for an easy and cheap solution like liquid drain cleaners for the same. These may work but overusing them may make the situation worse. These products contain corrosive chemicals that eat away what clogs the drain, which can further damage your pipes and p-traps and lead to leaks. When you have plumbing issues, you must always call a plumbing professional who will diagnose the problem before doing anything.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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