
Novad Management Consulting Scam Introducing NOVAD

The guide provides information on this scam. Novad Management Consultancy Scam which has been affecting the majority of people in America.

If you’re the owner of a loan you, you’re probably aware about the recent reverse mortgage scam taking place throughout the United States. Mortgage service providers are committing the scam to steal money and personal data of the loanees.

The borrowers who had the letters from NOVAD are worried and insecure. They are using online discussion forums and social networks to discuss the situation and to learn details about the Novad Management Consulting scam..

If you’ve received the same type of letter as other you have received, you should read the article.

Introducing NOVAD

NOVAD Management Consulting is a mortgage servicing firm that concentrates on servicing Single-Family Secretary held Portfolios of FHA and Home Equity Conversion Mortgages, as well as Limited Claims in the name of FHA and Home Equity Conversion Mortgages.

This is a complete-service minority-owned business with a wealth of experience in programs and management of risk as well as financial and compliance auditing services Portfolio as well as property management organization development and re-engineering business processes, and much more.

The company has been in the news due to the new reverse mortgage scam notice which consumers across the United States are receiving.

What is Novad Management Consulting Scam?

NOVAD Scam is taking place all over America and is targeting those who have reverse mortgages. Scammers are sending fake letters to residents of the area to inform them that their loan was transfered through Novad Management Consulting, and all dues remaining have to be paid at the expense of ISN Corporation.

The letter is addressed to the recipient via an ISN Corporation address, and the address and phone number listed on the letter are fake. After receiving the fraudulent letter, the recipients accessed the forum discussion to find out more about the scam, and then make a report.

Individuals who do not have a loan been sent this Novad Consulting scam letter. It is therefore advised not to answer or pay any money to the business mentioned on the notice.

Some More Details About the Scam

After reviewing the website and offline, we discovered some important information that makes it fake and not genuine. These include:

  • This letter is claimed to come from NOVAD telling loan borrowers their loan was transferred.
  • The letter asks the recipients to make a further payment in the form of ISN Corporation, which has nothing to be related to the borrowing company. Therefore, it is imperative that the Novad Management Consulting Scam letter should be ignored.
  • Users have also stated that they’ve never taken any loan or mortgage through NOVAD as well as ISN Corporation, and hence it is not logical to pay these businesses.
  • Even those who have no mortgage or loan have received the letter, showing that this is a fraud.

A few users have stated that the letter is legitimate letter, however, there is no official confirmation to verify the claims made in the document. We urge everyone who received the letter to be aware of the scam and remain safe by ignoring the letter until confirmation is received from NOVAD.

To Sum Up

Novad Management Consultancy Scam has irked a lot of people across America Even those with no reverse mortgage have been contacted by the scam. However up until Novad issues the official proof, these letters should be not be regarded as valid. Additionally, you should get some helpful advice on the best way to safeguard yourself from scams.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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