
Passage of Clouds and Stars Genshin What is Genshin Impact About?

In the following report we will discuss the Passage of Clouds and Stars Genshin, the timeline, and the rewards of the most recent game of the popular online game.

Are you a regular online gamer? Do you enjoy events that gaming portals hold? You’ve heard of Genshin Impact’s latest event. Genshin Impact has announced. Are you enthusiastic about the benefits that Genshin Impact is about to provide in its latest event? You should go through this article to learn the specifics.

In our article today we’ve discussed the game’s Passage of Clouds and Stars Genshin the game’s most recent event. Players from all over the world, particularly those in Philippines along with in the United States, are eagerly awaiting this special occasion.

What is Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact is a well-known game that can be played on a variety of gaming consoles. miHoYo is the well-known game development studio located in China released the game exactly one year ago on the 28th of September, 2020. There is no cost for playing this game and the player has to pay the in-game currency in order to buy virtual items.

This game is going through an update to Version 2.1. The developers have revealed the Passage of Clouds and Stars Genshin as which is a login event that comes with appealing rewards in this update.

What is Genshin Impact About?

The game is set in the world of Tevyat and one of the characters, known as the Traveler is searching for of his twin. In the course of the search the player will have to combat numerous enemies using their magic abilities. The player can switch between four different characters the game in an effortless process. Alongside using magical abilities players are able to manipulate the character’s movements to swim or glide, climb or run, based on the terrain.

Passage of Clouds and Stars Genshin

It’s a log-in event the game’s creators have announced to introduce the game’s version 2.1 which is dubbed Floating The World in the Dark. The event starts at 4 am on the 28th of September 2021, and will continue until the update is completed, i.e., at 5.59 am on the 13th of October 2021.

This is among the events announced during the most recent update, and other events include Moonlight Merriment, Lunar Realm, Hyakunin Ikki, Spectral Secrets, and more.

What is special About Passage of Clouds and Stars?

The players will be rewarded with appealing rewards for logging into the game at any time for seven days in the time frame. The Passage of Clouds and Stars Genshinis providing the following rewards in accordance with the day that you log in.

Login DayRewardAmplification Factor
OneIntertwined FateOne
TwoMoraEighty Thousand
ThreeIntertwined FateTwo
FourMystic Enhancement OreEighteen
FiveIntertwined FateTwo
SixHero’s WitEight
SevenIntertwined FateFive

These rewards are essential for the player to progress in the contest with incredible magic powers. The only requirement for participation in this contest is that participants have an experience rank at the minimum of five.


The players from all over the world will profit from on this opportunity as it offers numerous rewards, with the most appealing one being 10 times the value Intertwined Fate. The journey to Clouds and Stars Genshin shall end when the update ofVersion 2.1 is complete on October 13, 2021.

What is your favorite magic skill from Genshin Impact? Tell us about it below.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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