
Revolutionary vs. evolutionary mobile app redesign

Thinking about giving your app a new look? 

There are two ways to redesign an application: revolutionary and evolutionary.

And for a more in-depth look, you can check out this comprehensive step-by-step guide to mobile app redesign, created by the UX/UI design team at Volpis. Consistently recognized as one of the top custom software development companies on Clutch, the Volpis team has designed and developed over 100 customized web and mobile applications for their clients. Their recommendations are rooted in their wealth of expertise.

Understanding the Types of Redesign

Revolutionary Redesign A revolutionary redesign is a complete overhaul of an app’s interface and often its underlying functionalities. This type of redesign is akin to a brand rebirth, involving dramatic changes in layout, navigation, graphics, and how users interact with the app. It can also extend to altering the app’s core features to tap into new technologies or market trends.

Evolutionary Redesign In contrast, an evolutionary redesign takes a more measured approach. It involves incremental changes that improve and refine the app without overwhelming users with drastic changes. These tweaks might include improving user interface (UI) elements, optimizing user experience (UX) practices, or updating colors and fonts to freshen the look without altering the app’s fundamental design principles.

Choosing Between Revolutionary and Evolutionary Redesign

The decision between opting for a revolutionary or evolutionary redesign should be based on several strategic factors:

User Feedback and Market Demand

  • Revolutionary: If user feedback indicates that the app is outdated, difficult to use, or not in line with competitor offerings, a complete redesign might be necessary to stay relevant.
  • Evolutionary: For apps that receive generally positive feedback but show areas for improvement, gradual changes can enhance the user experience without causing disruption.

Business Goals and Objectives

  • Revolutionary: When a business undergoes a rebranding or wants to significantly shift its market position, a revolutionary redesign can signal to users and competitors alike that substantial changes are underway.
  • Evolutionary: If the overarching goal is to slowly grow the user base and build on existing brand loyalty, evolutionary changes can help sustain and increase engagement over time.

Budget and Resources

  • Revolutionary: This approach often requires a larger budget and more resources, as it involves rethinking the app’s entire design and functionality from the ground up.
  • Evolutionary: Smaller, more frequent updates are typically less resource-intensive and can be managed with a smaller budget, making it a practical option for startups and smaller companies.

Risk Tolerance

  • Revolutionary: Embarking on a complete redesign involves higher risks, including the potential loss of existing users who may feel alienated by dramatic changes.
  • Evolutionary: By introducing minor changes over time, the risk of negative user reactions is minimized, allowing for easier course corrections based on user feedback.

Impact on User Experience

The impact on UX is a critical consideration when deciding between redesign types. A revolutionary redesign, while potentially more impactful, also poses the risk of confusing current users. Such changes must be managed with thorough user education and support. On the other hand, an evolutionary approach can enhance user satisfaction gradually and seemingly naturally, maintaining a familiar environment while still moving forward with improvements.

So, what to choose: revolutionary or revolutionary mobile app redesign? 

Deciding between a revolutionary and evolutionary mobile app redesign involves balancing risk and reward, understanding user expectations, and aligning with business objectives. For companies considering a redesign, it’s crucial to:

  • Conduct extensive user research and solicit feedback to understand user needs and preferences.
  • Assess the competitive landscape to determine whether a bold reimagining or subtle refinement is more likely to succeed.
  • Plan for adequate resource allocation, whether opting for a complete overhaul or iterative improvements.

Ultimately, whether you choose a revolutionary or evolutionary path, the goal should remain the same: to enhance the app’s value to users and strengthen its market position. By carefully considering these factors, developers and designers can ensure that their redesign strategy maximizes both user satisfaction and business success.

If you’re looking to enhance the user experience and functionality of your mobile app, you can reach out to the Volpis team via [email protected] with any questions and concerns.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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