Samantha Mitling World Title Winner Ready for Gold at the US Open and the Battle of Atlanta

World title winner Samantha Mitling is a 4th dan black belt in Taekwondo who has garnered multiple wins in national, regional and world competitions. Many fans of Samantha have been inspired and interested in her training since winning her first world title in 2019 with an amazing performance alongside with becoming a viral sensation on social media. Along with her vitality on social media, Samantha Mitling was also seen on “Game of Talents France” in 2021 impressing and blowing away the crowd and judges while sharing her talents performing a bo staff routine.
In preparation for the US Open in July and the Battle of Atlanta in June, Samantha Mitling has been training 6 times a week and competing twice a month. For the disciplined and humble Samantha Mitling, the US Open could lead to another title win for the young martial artist.
Samantha Mitling is an extremely talented 17-year-old martial artist who was born in Lino Lakes, Minnesota. Starting martial arts at the age of 5, Samantha Mitling has gone on to win multiple competitions worldwide and has been able to showcase her skills/passions on TV and social media over her 12 years of martial arts so far. Samantha Mitling inspires many people of all ages to chase their dreams and to pursue their passions as she balances; bo staff & martial arts training, being a full-time college student, a full-time content creator on social media and also an entrepreneur and coach. Samantha Mitling is student of the University of Northwestern St. Paul. Samantha Mitling strives to be the best she can be, and her discipline and determination serves as a reminder to young girls and youth everywhere that they can accomplish whatever they set their mind to.
With the US Open and the Battle of Atlanta coming up, fans of martial arts are extremely excited to see all the talent compete and for them to showcase their talents. Balancing a busy life of being a college student, a global sensation and training 6 times a week, seventeen-year-old Samantha Mitling continues to inspire young girls and people everywhere that they can pursue their dreams as she prepares for the US Open. Being able to express herself through the sport of martial arts is what continues to inspire and motivate Samantha Mitling in her training. With the amazing support from her coaches Derek Meegan and Grand Master Miller, as well as her family and friends, Samantha Mitling has a bright future and an exciting career ahead of herself.
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