
St Louis Homeless Man Shot Full Video – Get All the Details You Need Here!

This article will give you factual information regarding the St Louis Homeless Men Shot Full Video case and its aftermath.

A terrible incident took place in front of the St Louis globe building on February 28, 2023. There was bustle everywhere after that incident.

What was the cause of the incident? Is this an accident? Who are the people involved? What is the United States saying about it? To see the latest video, read this post St Louis Homeless man shot full video to the end.

What’s the video content for the shooting?

The latest incident occurred on Tuesday, 28 February. People all over the United States and in the surrounding regions are still talking about it. Two men can be seen in the viral video. One was a homeless man Viral on Reddit who was sitting on the street, while the other was waving a gun at the homeless man in broad daylight.

The gunman seems so mad that he can’t see what’s going on around him. A nearby camera captures the video of him shooting. Some people stand there and call the police to inform them about this man with the gun. The police arrived on the scene and discovered the man, who was homeless, with a cut on his leg.

St Louis Homeless man shot Reddit who is the man with the gun?

This video is getting a lot of shares and views on social media. The gun’s shooter is not known to many people. The police arrived a little late because the suspect had already fled the scene after shooting the man. The footage was captured through a nearby camera and it was revealed that Deshawn Thomas, a 23-year old boy, was the one responsible for the viral Instagram video. The police continued to search for Thomas and finally found him after a while in the public library. The video has been circulating on the internet and many people are shocked at the brutality of what is being shown.

More information about the scene –

Witnesses at the scene said that Thomas also shot the homeless man before the situation got worse. After the fight, the man became blind and shot the homeless man without a second thought.

According to sources, the incident prompted people to demand Kim Gardner’s resignation as well as the resignation of the St. Louis circuit attorney. They claim that crime was rising in the city and criminals were free to roam. To learn more about Twitter video , you can visit the link section.


This article summarizes a wild and ruthless incident that took place in St. Louis. A 23-year-old man was seen shooting at a homeless man in broad daylight. To learn more about this incident, follow this link

What did you think of Thomas’s act? Leave a comment below

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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