
The Dangers, Risks of Artificial Intelligence

The Limitations, Dangers, and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Technology has become an essential part of human society and the world. It has evolved and developed as every human society develops. Technology is a significant force behind the development of many nations today.

Artificial Intelligence is evidence of how sophisticated the world of technology has become. AI has been integrated into every aspect of our activities, including social life. Today, with its introduction and adoption, there is ease to whatever task you have. However, AI is not almighty, as it also possesses some limitations, dangers, and risks.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is a branch of computer science that has to do with creating and building intelligent machines that possess the capacity to perform tasks that should be done by human logic. It makes it possible for machines to model the human mind’s capabilities and, sometimes, even improve upon them. 

Examples of Artificial Intelligence include self-driving cars and generative AI tools like Google’s Bard, Notion, ChatGPT, and several others. All these AI machines and generative tools are becoming increasingly popular and adopted into everyday life. 


AI has significantly impacted the communications, transportation, and finance sector. Other sectors, like the entertainment sector, are also exploring the option. For instance, AI helps create props in Hollywood and reduces production costs and time. Something similar is also experienced in the online gaming industry as AI revolutionizes the user experience. Comparison sites list various types of casinos where you can play games against computer-based croupiers and with RNG-based pokies. They also provide info on the highest payout pokies to try. 

Moreover, AI helps detect gambling patterns to assist and avoid problem gambling. Also, AI recognizes what type of games you’re playing to optimize your gambling experience. For example, if you are playing old classic slots, then the next time you log in to your casino account you will be presented with fruit slots that the AI might think you’ll like.

Limitations of Artificial Intelligence 

Since the inception of artificial Intelligence, there has always been discourse and debate as to whether AI is the best approach to developing human society. That is, while others are for the argument that AI is the ultimate method for development, others differ in this position. Some of the risks and dangers of AI include the following;

Job Loss

AI is already seen doing most human-related tasks. This ability has the potential to make many people lose their job. AI-powered job automation has become a massive concern since sophisticated technology has been adopted in different industries like healthcare, marketing, and manufacturing.

According to a report, up to eighty-five million jobs will be lost to AI between 2020 and 2025. AI machines are built to become more intelligent and dexterous, so tasks carried out by humans will become less common.

The twist here is that although it is also predicted that Artificial Intelligence will create a massive range of new jobs by 2025, it is estimated to be around 97 million. However, the implication is that many employees would need more skills for those technical roles, and hence they get laid off if they or the company can’t work on upskilling. 

Social Manipulation 

Social manipulation has been listed to be among the potential abuses of AI, in fact, one of the top dangers of artificial Intelligence. This is exemplified in a recent development of how politicians now rely on platforms to propagate and promote their opinions. 

For example, TikTok runs on an algorithm that saturates users’ feeds with content related to previously viewed media on the platform. Critiques came forth on the TikTok app and spelled out the algorithm’s failure to filter out inaccurate and harmful content. Hence, making people doubt TikTok’s ability to safeguard its users from misleading and dangerous media. 

AI technology has made it easy to manipulate images of one figure with another image or even a video. Thus, bad actors are given what to leverage to share misinformation and create a nightmare scenario.


Artificial Intelligence also has various forms of biases, which are detrimental. According to Professor Olga Russakovsky of Princeton’s computer science department, in her interview with the New York Times, AI is biased beyond race and gender. The statement is so because humans develop AI and are inherently biased. 

Advancing on the position of the professor, she avers that AI researchers are primarily males from specific racial demographics, which could affect how objective they can be when developing it. An instance of this limitation is why speech-recognition AI often cannot understand certain accents and dialects. Thus, developers should be deliberate about avoiding recreating solid biases.


Another disadvantage of AI is that it makes humans lazy. Since AI tools and software can get their jobs done without the need to exert physical labor. Thus, it makes humans addicted to these sophisticated machines and tools, a sign of a future problem.  


Artificial Intelligence can also be used to track and profile people. The fact about AI Algorithms is that they are developed to find patterns. Thus, when they were being used to test run their abilities to gather personal data, especially in a contest, it became evident that the AI could predict where a user would be by scanning and analyzing past locations. 

It was deduced that the prediction appeared more accurate when social contacts and friends’ location data were used. The implication is that AI has the potential risk of giving this information out even when you think it is harmless. But then, information is power, and the information we give up or submit is power.

Richard Maxwell

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