Toyota 80th Anniversary Giveaway Scam 2021! Check Details!

A recently viral Connection Asserts that Toyota is giving away Corolla Automobiles in response to the 80th Anniversary. If you have received this link already, then here is the way to address this scam.
Text message Scammers send text messages and emails connected with questionable links to internet users and they trick the users to click the hyperlinks, resultantly the scammers get access to significant credentials of consumers. This information is later used by the scammers to meet their untrue purposes.
After The message has a caption that reads,”Free presents for everybody”. Considering it genuine message, users click the web link attached to it that leads them to suspicious sites.
Toyota 80th Anniversary is a viral text material that is being circulated on WhatsApp. The message claims to offer you a opportunity to win a Toyota Corolla during the 80th Anniversary of Toyota. As the message includes the logo of Toyota, a few internet users are being lured for a few free gifts.
As you click the link, you will be directed to a suspicious website that isn’t a Toyota-related site. Another important thing users should understand is that Toyota was set on 28 August 1937, so they have celebrated their 80th anniversary in the year 2017.
Toyota Confirmed its 80th anniversary in its own Tweet made on 28th August 2017. 80 years and counting. Celebrating with a big THANK YOU to everybody who helps to make it possible every day”. You may go to the official site of Toyota for additional clarification.
Toyota 80th Anniversary Scam 2021
Here are
- Suspicious URL
If you have already received this information, then you might have noticed the site link is extremely suspicious. The URL goes like, http://1s7wttd.nodxteh.–. This connection is not associated with Toyota whatsoever rather it is an unrelated Chinese-registered domainname.
Besides This, the URL isn’t a protected one. It isn’t an SSL-encrypted connection, so realize that legitimate sites always utilize SSL-encrypted links that start with HTTPS, rather than HTTP.
- Suspicious Site With so many mistakes
The next Point which makes this connection suspicious is the webpage where you are directed after clicking on the hyperlink. The page is filled with grammatical mistakes, which is not common with legitimate sites.
Following this, on the page, you’ll be asked some silly questions such as, Do you know Toyota? Although the webpage has some remarks by people saying they have won Toyota Corolla, these reports appear to be fake, as clicking on their names you’ll get nowhere.
Another Important thing that you should think about is, why would Toyota give away a lot of Corolla cars? That’s highly suspicious.
Toyota Promotion 2021
- You will always win a Corolla upon responding to the silly Queries
The third Suspicious point is that, upon completing the survey you’ll always acquire a Corolla. But, after winning it you can not claim it directly. Very similar to all other scams, you’ll have to share the link with 5 classes or 20 friends on WhatsApp to claim your vehicle.
Even following Sharing it with your friends, you get absolutely nothing. Instead, clicking on the connection may infect your apparatus . So, the users need to examine suspicious links and messages before sharing and clicking them into their circle.
After Examining various suspicious points related to this WhatsApp message, we have Come to the conclusion that Toyota 80th Anniversary is a scam. So, internet Users should avoid getting in touch with these kinds of messages and links.