Trying To Cut Back On Alcohol With Gluten? Tips That Can Help
With life upturned over the past couple of years with COVID-19, every aspect of our lives has been affected. Many people choose to change their drinking habits because decisions made now will be some of the most important in generations. During this time of crisis, the world’s medical community is more focused on patients diagnosed with corona. Hospitals, being outnumbered by patients affected by the pandemic, barely have the scope and space for accommodating people with other illnesses.
You might think that a regular glass of distilled scotch or whiskey is good for your mental health and heart, but that’s only true for light sippers. Alcohol is toxic to your cells, and heavy drinking can take a toll on the liver, causing cirrhosis and other problems. Gluten grains, most often used to produce vodka, whiskey, bourbon, rye, and gin, are hard to avoid, but one doesn’t have to go completely dry to be safer and lower the number of injuries or injuries sick days. Keep reading for some tips to cut back on drinking habits, such as alcoholic drinks with gluten that may threaten your health.
1. Switch to plain rum or mead
Plain rum, mead, and tequilas are gluten-free. But a gluten-intolerant person may have their doubts and ask, “is mead gluten-free?” Honey is the primary ingredient in mead, and as long as the drink is not aged in a barrel or a cask that once held a product containing gluten such as beer, you’re safe. Plain rum or mead without added mixers in cocktails erases the risks of gluten.
2. Break the habit
If you’re dependent on whiskey or gin, many of your social activities include or are based around drinking, and you can’t easily go a day without it; it’s high time you considered breaking the habit. It’s better to change what you drink if it’s only about the intoxication. Opt for an alcoholic beverage, such as mead or wine, with less harmful after-effects in the long term. Also, one can expect a change
of taste to reduce the frequency of drinking.
3. Consult with a qualified professional
If you have a mild dependence on alcohol, you may be able to cut back on your own with perseverance. But, if you are severely dependent and plan to quit drinking alcohol altogether, it’s better to consult with a qualified professional, psychologist, or support. Counseling treatments like behavioral and cognitive therapies and mindfulness-based relapse intervention help realign the thought process of the person and can prevent going back to heavy drinking or struggling with adverse withdrawal symptoms. They also organize community events such as “Dry July” to motivate you.
4. Replace alcohol with other beverages
People who are frequent with their alcohol consumption are much more likely to develop dependence symptoms. They may start smoking excessively to keep their mouths busy and counter their withdrawal signs. Alternating between coffee, water, soda and lime, or kombucha with the sugar content of no more than 5g/100ml can help quench thirst, give a tasty and refreshing treat, and gradually defamiliarize the person with the taste of alcohol.
5. Change in lifestyle
If the amount of alcohol you’ve been drinking puts you at risk of developing a potbelly or other problems, you may want to cut down or moderate your consumption. Regular exercising, jogging or walking can increase flexibility and help reduce weight. Once you see the improved version in the mirror, you might want to avoid habits that can ruin your body positivity.
ConclusionThe key to successfully cutting down on alcohol with gluten is to study its harmful effects and find what works best for you.