
Unity vs Unreal Engine: Truth Be Told

Did you know Unity and Unreal Engines were the best names in the game development industry in 2015? This fact has sparked comparisons and debate every time these two are mentioned. The debate has become so heated that there are online discussions about the two engines and how they are proving their worth as far as developing video games is concerned. The fast-changing world of software development has been seen to lead to more intense debates on Unity vs. Unreal Engine today. 

Recent changes have had a significant impact on both engines. There has been an overwhelming interest that game development studios and businesses have shown in developing apps through the use of either Unity or Unreal. This article will therefore tackle some of the most important facts related to the two game development engines being mentioned. If you want your game development career to flourish, all you need is an informed decision about the development of your next project.

The state of Unity vs Unreal Engine at present

You have landed on this article because you want only the truth. So, truth be told, here. The facts to be discussed will provide you with more essential underpinnings. Of course, you need to know which of the two game development engines is better before you decide to pick one. If you’re new to the discussion, the very first thing you must be aware of is that Unity and Unreal Engines are two of the most popular engines being used by software development specialists. When it comes to developing a certain video game, these two engines are available today. Both engines began as tools for game development, so to speak. Through the years, they have grown into much larger and better platforms.

Let’s take a closer look at where we are now.

Unity Engine

This is one of the most popular game development engines today. The Unity Engine has created mobile games that account for 71% of the top 1000 current titles in the game development market. The user base that comprises the users and game developers themselves totals more than 2.7 billion people in quantity. The asset store, at present, has 65,000 assets, more or less. Can you imagine that? The revenue generated by this engine has increased by 43% in 2020 alone. The market capitalization is said to be around $27.8 billion.

Unreal Engine

At present, the Unreal Engine powers more than 2 million games. This number is astonishing, knowing the fact that there are a lot of tools and software created every now and then. It does mean one thing. This engine can be trusted by lots of users (game developers). More than 16,000 assets are currently available in the digital marketplace, meaning that any game developer can look for an Unreal Engine which is best suited for any type of game development project. The developer community has a current number of more than 7 million people. Wow! So amazing, right? The market share in the game development market is estimated to be around 13%. The parent company, Epic Games, has a market capitalization of around $17 billion.

Is it true that the Unreal Engine is more difficult than the Unity Engine?

The given question above poses a major concern for all business owners who are looking to hire professional game developers. There must be no pressing issues concerning the hiring of specialists or predicting their productivity. After all, there are thousands and thousands of developers in both classifications, UE and Unreal, operating on the market today, many of whom work as freelancers or through outsourcing services. At the moment, the latest versions of the game development engines are extremely well-optimized, so most competent experts should be able to fully utilize them at least until major overhauls such as UE5 are released. Even so, you can continue using the prior version of the software.

Take note that in terms of learning, regardless of platform, there will be a considerable level of difficulty. The point is that it is not that easy to become a game developer. You have to spend time just learning the fundamentals of the two most popular game development tools or software. Nonetheless, many game developers who have started working with both options agree that Unity is much easier to get started with. Why so? Simply because C# is much more simplified and has a more comprehensible language than the Unreal Engine. Does it mean you have to choose Unity over the Unreal Engine? Well, the answer to this question may depend on your goals and objectives.

Though the two engines enable you to do many of the same things on a broad scale, there are significant differences when it comes to nitty-gritty development. Throughout the entire game development process, a game developer or maker may have to face difficulties and trials. Whether you’re a large-scale metaverse technology company or an indie software engineer, the choice between Unreal and Unity should not be taken lightly. What does it mean? You have to understand the whole thing. What is being recommended here is to evaluate your endeavor from both a business and a technical standpoint. You should look for the most common thing that will help you connect to one of the two choices at the quickest possible time.

Wrapping up

Getting started on a large project can be intimidating, particularly in the initial stages when you’re developing your game plan. The important thing to notice is that you don’t have to do everything all by yourself. With the assistance of a trustworthy technology partner, you can rapidly delve deeply into the process while leaving the technical details to the experts. You can realize your game development project with the help of an external third party or chosen specialists who can provide high-quality work at a low cost. Just look for one of many companies offering such solutions, and do not forget that Unreal and Unity are two of the most popular game development engines we have at present.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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