
Using the latest technology to find your childhood friends

Life takes us down different paths, and before we realize it, we have lost contact with most of the people from our childhood. If you are interested in meeting a childhood friend that was very special to you or you need to contact them for personal reasons, here are the best tips from experts to find a childhood friend, both using the latest technology such as the Internet and Facebook as well as other more traditional and old-fashioned methods.

Expert tips for finding a childhood friend:

The first thing you should do to find a childhood friend is to ask the friends you have in common about this person. The fact that you do not know anything about him or her right now does not mean that others do not continue to be their friends. In this way, it is even possible that you two continue living in the same city, but each one of you has made a life of your own. Asking the friends you have in common or the rest of the acquaintances this person might know will be the perfect starting point to find them.

From here, if they tell you that they have moved to another city, you can ask for their telephone number and contact information. Or if they do not have those details, you can search for this person online using the latest technology such as tools and websites that we will mention in the following points, or directly take advantage of social networks like Facebook and Instagram to get in touch with your childhood friend.

We recommend reviewing the different groups that you had in common to be able to find some clues that will allow you to find this person. In case you only keep their childhood landline number and you can’t find any more information, you can always phone this old house and try to talk to the family so they can help you get in touch with this childhood friend. Check that number on PhoneHistory and see if that friend is still connected to it in any way.

How to find a childhood friend on the internet?

In the same way, it is important to keep in mind that today almost everyone has some kind of presence on the Internet, both directly and indirectly. So, it is quite easy to find an old childhood friend by conducting a simple online search. To find childhood friends we recommend using people search engines.

They are professional tools that review different Internet records to be able to find people based on certain specific parameters. This makes these sites perfect for finding old friends from class, from your old city, or simply from childhood.


One of the best and quickest solutions to find your old school friends is to use Leadar. This site has a database of over 110m people so you can easily find your friend there. You can check what profession they have and access their contact details.

Peek You: 

Peek You is a search engine that allows you to find detailed information about a person, just by typing a name, although the truth is that it can overwhelm us if we don’t have much experience.

This platform will offer you their social profiles, emails, public records, and various search engine results, as long as you remember their name and surname.

Thus, you will have to review a lot of data to be able to find the person you are looking for. In the same way, it is an especially interesting tool to search for the web presence of an old friend and evaluate different images until you find the person you wanted to find.


On the other hand, as the best private investigation professionals have recommended, a similar but much simpler and more intuitive tool is Pipl. With this search engine, you can find a childhood friend anywhere in the world, simply by entering their name, their email, their username, or their phone number, depending on the data you have been able to find.

Perform a white pages search: 

If you are not able to find your childhood friends using the above methods, then simply find a free white pages website and type in your friend’s name. You will receive some results, along with a phone number, if available. You may need to call a few, or even many before you find the one that belongs to your old friend.

How to find a childhood friend on Facebook:

Now, one of the easiest alternatives to finding a childhood friend is to use Facebook. If this person has a presence on the social network, it will be really easy to find them because Facebook makes this task quite simple by having a search bar.

If you remember the name and surname of your friend, you will simply have to search for them and, if you are lucky and this is their name used on Facebook, you will be able to find him.

Now, it may be the case that they have a different name or that there are many people with that name and surname, which will make it more difficult to find that childhood friend.

In these cases, we recommend you not to lose patience, and take advantage of searching for “mutual friends”. If you have mutual childhood friends on Facebook, you can certainly search through their friends list to see if you find the person you were looking for. If you already have a person in common with the person you are looking for, it will be very easy to find them in their friend’s tab.

Similarly, if no one is listed by that name but you still have your childhood friend’s email, it’s possible to search for him on Facebook through this detail, because they may have given themselves a different name. In this way, you can find the person associated with the email quickly and easily.

Finally, you can also search by adding the place if you know where this childhood friend now lives, or use the school group that you have in common if you know that this person is added to be able to locate them on Facebook.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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