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Warning Signs Of A Bad Interior And Exterior Paint Job (And How To Deal with A Bad Painter)

Don’t waste money on a bad paint job. Not only would it be a complete nightmare, but you’d also lose out on cash by having to pay for touch-ups or re-painting later on in life. But how do you know if a painter is qualified? What makes a bad paint job? And, more importantly, what should you look out for when hiring the right one?

Finding reliable painters Sarasota, fl, for interior and exterior painting is tricky, even for the pros. Read to learn how to spot a bad paint job from a mile away and how to deal with a lousy painter.

Warning Signs Of A Terrible Interior Paint Job 

Painting is a skill that takes time to learn, but it’s easy to tell when a painter isn’t doing their job right. There are warning signs of a bad interior paint job that will give you an idea that the painter you hired is doing their best work.

  • The paint looks uneven

If one wall looks like one person painted it while another looks like another did it, it might be because they didn’t use the same brush size or technique for each section. A good painter will ensure that each room has an even coat of paint on all surfaces before moving on to another room, so there aren’t any noticeable differences between walls or ceilings in various rooms within your home or office space.

  • Cracking

If the paint is thinned too much and applied in too thin a layer, it will crack and peel. On the flip side, ‘mud cracks’ can appear if the paint is applied too thickly or with too heavy a hand.

  • Fading

Fading occurs when someone uses too much water on the brush while applying paint or when the painter doesn’t thin the paint enough before spreading it on the wall or ceiling. It can lead to bubbles forming that contain more air than liquid content because water evaporates faster than oil does when exposed to air at room temperature.

  • Streaks

Streaks come from poor brush technique but can also result from bad primer application or a poorly prepared surface. Streaks are easier to see because they reflect more light than the rest of the wall. 

  • Smears or fingerprints

If you see these marks on the wall, it’s probably because the painter didn’t clean his hands before touching up the walls after he finished the room and moved on to another one. The same goes for smudges from his brushes or rollers.

  • Color variations and inconsistencies in texture throughout the room — especially where different surfaces meet (like wood trim meeting drywall).

Warning Signs Of A Bad Exterior Paint Job

Here are warning signs that you may be dealing with an amateur:

  • Cracking

Cracks in the paint are a sign of bad prep work. When cracks form, the paint is not adhering to the surface and will come off easily with a touch. The moisture in the air causes this problem and can be caused by a poor primer or lack of priming altogether. 

  • Airholes

Airholes can also be caused by a bad exterior paint job, which may have led to moisture penetration through cracks, blisters, or other imperfections in the wall or roof surface.

  • Blisters

Blisters are raised bumps that form on your wall or roof system and signal that moisture has penetrated beyond the outermost layer of paint and into the underlying material. Blisters are often caused by improper preparation before painting (e.g., not cleaning) or an incompatible primer material.

How To Deal With A Bad Painter

If you’re not happy with the work, here’s how to deal with it:

  • Politely request the painter to rectify the problem. If something needs fixing, let them know about it as soon as possible. Don’t be aggressive or accusatory —explain why you’re unhappy with the work and what needs to be fixed.
  • If the painter refuses to fix the problem, you can threaten to leave a bad review on social media or any other platform. 
  • If you can’t agree with the contractor, contact your state consumer protection agency or attorney general’s office and file a complaint against him. These agencies have many tools to help consumers get satisfaction from bad contractors, including investigating complaints and prosecuting businesses that defraud customers. They also may help you recover money lost due to poor work by taking action against the contractor’s license or bonding company.

The best way to protect yourself is not to rush into your paint job and hire the first painter you find. Instead, research and ensure that you carefully select the right person for the job. Similarly, don’t be afraid to ask questions. A good painter will know what to answer and what to leave alone, which will be your most valuable tool in determining if your potential painter is skilled and qualified or only out for a quick buck.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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