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Water Cooler vs Water Dispenser

Having access to clean and safe drinking water every day is now a priority for every Aussie household and business. There are many options for water dispensing systems, but which one is the best for you?

Office water coolers Brisbane have been a popular option for decades, providing a convenient way to have cold water on tap. However, water dispensers are now becoming increasingly popular, thanks to their many benefits.

Water Cooler vs Water Dispenser

While water coolers and dispensers are used interchangeably, water dispensers can be regarded as the general category while water cooler is the more specific kind. However, here’s a closer look at the key differences between water coolers and water dispensers:

Water Coolers:

  • Require a power source

Water coolers are powered by electricity, meaning that you’ll need to have a power supply nearby to make it work. Many units provide hot and cold water, so to ensure that these water options are available, the cooler should be plugged into your electrical outlet.

Just like any other electrical appliance, water coolers consume energy so expect that your electricity bill will also have an increase. The best thing to do is to choose a water cooler that’s energy and cost-efficient.

  • Use a compressor to cool the water, which can be noisy

Compressors work by circulating refrigerant through the unit, which can cause a humming or buzzing sound. Thus, it can eliminate the silence of the night, especially when you keep the cooler on 24/7.

  • Can be expensive to operate

Water coolers can be more expensive than water dispensers, especially if you opt for a model with features like built-in filtration and water temperature options. The most recent models even have computerised systems where you can set timers and the volume of water to dispense.

Remember that depending on the features of the water cooler, the price will vary. Naturally, more and better innovations mean pricier units.

  • Typically have a larger footprint

Water coolers are generally larger and bulkier than water dispensers, so they can take up more space in your home or office. Depending on the type of unit you have, it will generally, take up more space on your countertop or floor.

Water Dispensers:

  • Do not require a power source

Water dispensers can be put anywhere in your home or workplace because they don’t need a power source. Since water dispensers don’t require electricity to operate, you won’t need to bother about acquiring an additional outlet or a power extension cord.

  • More Affordable

Water dispensers are more affordable than water coolers, making them a great option for budget-minded shoppers. Even for models with similar features, you can save more with water dispensers than water coolers.

Although they also have varying capacities as coolers do, the cooling and heating mechanisms are not present, making them less expensive than the coolers with advanced features.

  • Use thermoelectric cooling, which is much quieter

A more advanced water dispenser uses thermoelectricity. Although thermoelectric cooling uses electricity to cool the water, it doesn’t produce any noise, hence, a quieter cooling method. You can be sure that you will enjoy a goodnight’s rest and sleep.

  • Are more energy-efficient

Water dispensers are more energy-efficient than water coolers, thanks to their thermoelectric cooling system. Thermoelectric cooling is a more efficient way to cool the water, so it doesn’t use as much electricity as a compressor-based cooling system.

  • More compact and lightweight

Water dispensers are more compact and lightweight than water coolers, making them easier to move and position in your home or office. The materials used in water dispensers are also generally lighter than the materials used in water coolers.

  • Often has smaller footprint

Water dispensers have a smaller footprint than water coolers, so they can take up less space on your counter, floor, home or office. You don’t have to worry about making space for it and it will not require a major furniture rearrangement in your living room, pantry, kitchen or reception area.

  • Can be used with a water filtration system

Water dispensers can be used with a water filtration system, which can help to improve the quality of your water. Filtered water can taste better and be healthier for you, so it’s worth considering if you’re looking for a water dispenser.

Which one is right for you?

If you’re looking for a convenient way to have cold water on tap, without the noise or expense of a water cooler, then a water dispenser may be the ideal choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for more innovative features, a water cooler can be the better pick.

Water coolers and water dispensers both have their pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the right option for your needs. If you’re looking for an easier and faster way to have cold or hot water on tap, a water cooler might be the best option. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option that takes up less space, then a water dispenser might be the better choice.

The bottom line:

Water coolers and water dispensers both have their pros and cons. When deciding which one is right for you, consider your needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a convenient way to have cold water on tap, a water cooler may be the best option. However, if you’re looking for an affordable and energy-efficient option, a water dispenser may be the better choice. Cooee Water offers plumbed in and free standing water coolers, drinking water fountains & bubblers in Brisbane and more.

Contact Cooee Water for a more suitable option for your water dispensing needs!

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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