
What Picture Did NASA Take When I Was Born What Is This All About?

Do you know about the latest trends on social media? There are numerous hot topics on social media daily. The most talked about topic that is taking online by storm one related to NASA.

People from countries such as that of United States and the United Kingdom are in a frenzy over the question: What picture did NASA Photograph When I was Born Here you’ll learn how to find the answer to this question.

What Is This All About?

NASA’s revolutionary technology keeps track of space 24 hours per day seven every day of the week. There are a lot of fascinating and mysterious events happening within space every second and all of it is documented by NASA.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a space geek or not, it is likely that you might be interested in finding out what the world looked like at when you were born. This is exactly the concept NASA used to mark its 30th birthday celebration of their Hubble Space Telescope, by giving you with the solution to the question: What picture did NASA take when I was Born.

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope turned 30 in 2020 and on this day, NASA gives you the chance to learn what was captured by NASA on the day of your birthday. To commemorate this, NASA launched this trend of #Hubble30.

But, those born in the years 1981-95 are not able to take advantage of fun since the information in the archive are limited to images taken following 1995. Read on to learn how you can find out what NASA observed at the time when you were born.

How to Find Out What Picture Did NASA Take When I Was Born ?

Two platforms will assist you discover the information you need. One is called the APOD also known as the Astronomy Image of the Day Calendar and the other one is Hubble Archive. Below is the complete instructions for both platforms.

Steps for APOD

  • Look up the APOD website on Google
  • Go to the website
  • There is a lengthy list of hyperlinks
  • Scroll down to locate the birth date
  • Click the link next to it

It is long but it does provide you with an image of the exact date when you got born.

Steps to Hubble to determine the picture that NASA Make When I was Born

  • Look for the NASA Commemorative page.
  • Select the month and the date
  • After you submit the form, you will be notified of the results.

Unfortunately, this website offers only the option of selecting the month and the date; so, you don’t get the exact results.

People’s Reaction

The people are not just interested however, they are emotionally affected by this new discovery. There are many posts on it , as well as jokes , too.


It is evident that the subject is going viral right now. It’s a fascinating way to bring some joy to our lives. Reading other’s posts on What Image Did NASA Make When I Was Born is interesting too. If you’ve been a part of this trend, please leave a comment on your experiences.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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