What Series And Movies To Watch This Weekend, According To Catalina Dlugi
The long weekend begins and to enjoy it in the best way, the entertainment journalist Catalina Dlugi was in Terapia de Noticias and there she recommended the best series and movies.
Mank: With this American film, director and producer David Fincher pays tribute to Herman J. Mankiewicz one of Hollywood’s most famous screenwriters, who wrote El Ciudadano (“Citizen Kane”). This masterpiece, which can be seen on Netflix, is reflected in the shots, the style and the splendid black and white. Actor Gary Oldman’s lead work goes straight to Oscar nominations. Four stars.
Tell me who I am: this miniseries is ideal for fans of Spanish productions. It is set in 1900 in Madrid and has a great period reconstruction. It revolves around an editor who, through a book, learns the true story of his mother, whom he never saw. In this work you can see Francoism, Fachism and Communism, and how a woman takes sides and is the protagonist of European history. The series is seen on HBO and on demand on Flow. Three stars.
Unlimited edition: it is an Argentine film in which four directors worked: Edgardo Cozarinsky, Santiago Loza, Virginia Cosin and Romina Paula. It deals with the word, the value, the fiction over the reality, the generation shock and the creative process. It is a true delight that can be enjoyed for free on Cine.ar. Four stars.