
What to Do If Your AC Is Blowing Hot Air

As summertime temperatures and humidity levels soar, homeowners across the United States are grateful for their air conditioning systems. Without them, people would have little reprieve from the hot, sticky, miserable weather. Homes can suffer without air conditioning as well since heat and excess moisture can take a toll on them and create a perfect breeding ground for mold. 

Facing a Broken Air Conditioning System

Of course, air conditioning systems don’t always work the way they’re supposed to. Many homeowners find that their air conditioners fail at the worst possible times. Sometimes, they won’t work at all, but other times, they just don’t seem to be putting out the fresh, cool air they’re supposed to. Certain problems can cause air conditioners to blow out hot air rather than cold, so if your AC is broken, consider the following factors. 

Clogged Air Filters

One reason an air conditioner might blow out hot air is inadequate airflow. Clogged air filters are common culprits in those situations. Air filters are designed to catch dust, pet hair and dander, pollen, and other debris before they have a chance to make their way into the AC unit. Those filters can only hold so much debris, though.

When air filters reach their limits, they can impede the flow of air coming into the air conditioner. That means the system has to work harder to draw in air, and it doesn’t have quite enough air to do its job properly. As such, it may blow out warm air instead of cool.

Blocked Air Vents

Blocked air vents are also common causes of hot air coming from the air conditioner. Again, it’s a matter of inadequate airflow. Air conditioning systems draw in warm air before cooling it. Then, they send cooled air through ductwork and out of their vents. 

If the vents that allow cool air to enter a home are blocked, the system may not be able to cool as effectively as it should. Check to make sure no furniture, rugs, or other obstructions are covering the vents. Make sure the vents are fully open as well.

Outdoor Obstructions

In some cases, the reason an air conditioner blows out hot air stems from its outdoor unit. When air conditioners draw heat and humidity out of the air inside a home, those unpleasant elements have to go somewhere. AC systems are designed to expel them outside through their exterior units.

If an outdoor AC unit is clogged with debris or blocked by shrubs, the hot air can’t escape as efficiently as it should. Be sure the unit isn’t covered with leaves or other debris. Make sure any surrounding shrubs or other foliage are cut back at least three feet from the unit, too. 

Low Refrigerant Levels

Air conditioners use refrigerant to remove heat and moisture from the air. If their refrigerant levels are low, they won’t work properly. In turn, they’ll blow out hot air as opposed to the cool, dry air you’re expecting and hoping for. 

Keeping the Cool Air Flowing

Those are some of the most common reasons air conditioners may blow out hot air, but they’re not the only ones. If obvious problems, like blocked vents and clogged air filters, don’t seem to be the cause, deeper mechanical issues are probably in play. To get the problem resolved quickly and effectively, consider contacting a professional HVAC technician for help.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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