TV Shows

When Will A Discovery Of Witches Season 3 Premiere?

Production on A Discovery of Witches season 3 wrapped in early February, causing many fans to wonder when the final season of this All Souls Trilogy might come to life. All indications appear to point to the series not returning until early 2022 in keeping with the traditions established in the first two seasons.

COVID-19 made the production a struggle for A Discovery of Witches. The series was finally able to picture season 2 in 2020 and begin production on season 3, which wrapped in ancient 2021. Star Teresa Palmer hails from Australia, which was in a complete lockdown for the greater part of 2020, therefore she was not able to travel for a very long season of time.

When Will A Discovery Of Witches Season 3 Premiere?

At this point it looks like A Discovery of Witches will finish with three seasons, encompassing the novels of the All Souls Trilogy: A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night, and The Book of Life.

It’s worth noting, though, that there is another book set at the ADOW world, Time’s Convert, and writer Deborah Harkness is presently working on a fifth book in the series. These books could be chosen for a future show or presented individually as limited series if the stars align.

Given that season 3 is going to be the last season, Bad Wolf and Sky TV will probably be in no hurry to rush the process along. The second season debuted in January 2021 and will wrap up its 10-episode run in March.

If season 3 debuts in January 2022, then fans will not have to wait overly long before the series returns.

An announcement about strategies for your future might arrive at any given moment. Though waiting to declare a spin-off will make sense closer to the debut of season 3, eagle-eyed buffs will see if contracts start going out to throw members so that it’s more than probable that Bad Wolf and Sky TV will make a statement on their own.


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