
Who Doctor David Warner David Warner Actor

We are pleased to share with you information about Doctor Who’s actor, Dr. David Warner. Dear readers: What do you know about the 80-year-old cancer victim Dr. David Warner? The actor participated in over 200 projects that were offered by the United States CanadaAustralia as well as many other countries’ entertainment industry.

The voice actor for the BBC science fiction series Doctor David Warner passed away on Sunday, July 24, in Denville Hall (United Kingdom), a carehouse for professional actors.

Summary about Dr. Warner 

He played Spicer Lovejoy on Cameron’s Titanic. In 1981, he was part of the TV miniseries “Masada” with the Pomponius Falco, which earned him an Emmy nomination for the best supporting role. He worked in entertainment for nearly 60 years. He is most well-known for his work in Tron and Omen. He was buried in a retirement community on 24 July. David’s death was caused by cancer.

David Warner Actor

When he was just 24 years old, the actor began his career. He was 24 years old when he first began his career as an actor. In 1965, he played Hamlet for the Royal Shakespeare Company on British Stage. The iconic role of David was the Royal Shakespeare Company’s most iconic. After this, he started to act as a villain in film or tv series such Omen Time After Time, Tron and Wallneder.

While he played many good roles, he was best known for his evil portrayals. David told The Independent in an interview that he had never been asked to play a happy character. His David Warner Titanicfamily stated that he passed away in a retirement center. David died due to cancer.

David was Cal Hockley’s bodyguard and valet in Titanic Film. His favorite job was to spy on Rose in order to keep her from being a pervert. Rose was Cal’s fiancée. He was killed in 1997 while he was in the titanic film along Jack and many other passengers.

He was also nominated by BAFTA to be recognized for his performance in Film Morgan. In Who Doctor David Warnerin 2013, the legend actor played Professor Grisenko. He played his parts with honesty. This is why he began his journey with theatres and ended up with film.


Q.1 Which name is David Warner’s spouse?

David’s wife, A.1 Lisa Bowerman is a British actress known for her portrayal of Sandra Mute.

Q.2 Where was David Warner born?

A.2 David was born on July 29, 41.


David Warner, the famed spy for Titanic, was found dead in a London nursing home on July 24, 2022.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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