
Will a DWI Give You a Criminal Record in Haddonfield, NJ?

Driving while intoxicated or DWI is not a crime in Haddonfield, New Jersey. However, it is a serious offense that has harsh consequences such as license suspension or revocation, hefty surcharges, fines, jail time, and classes. While DWI won’t appear on your criminal record, it can affect several aspects of your life including professional licensing, immigration problems, increased insurance premiums, and others. 

An experienced Haddonfield DWI Lawyer can help protect your rights and freedom. Also, they can help you explore alternative avenues to get the best outcome in your case. 

DWI as a Quasi-Criminal Offense in New Jersey

Those who are facing DWI charges have the same rights as criminal defendants. DWI offenses are quasi-criminal offenses due to the serious penalties they can have. A DWI conviction is subject to severe penalties and driver’s license revocation. It can carry prison detainment and fines. Also, information on a driver’s DWI conviction is kept by the Motor Vehicle Commission and sent to U. S. courts. An attorney cannot remove such information unless they can prove the innocence of the driver and get their charges dropped. 

Intervention Programs for First-Time Offenders

A pretrial intervention program gives first-time DWI offenders the chance to rehabilitate instead of facing punishments for drug offenses. This rehabilitative model recognizes the link between the charges and the rehabilitation needs of the offender. 

Early rehabilitative services can prevent future criminal behavior. A pretrial intervention’s rehab services emphasize that factors like economic and sociocultural factors influence criminal behavior. Pretrial intervention wants to address personal issues that may result in criminal activity and stop defendants from committing future disorderly conduct or crimes. 

If you have been charged with DWI, speak with an attorney as soon as possible. An experienced DWI lawyer can help you get into a pretrial intervention program. 

DWI on Background Checks

A DWI charge is a traffic offense. Thus, it doesn’t appear on criminal background checks. Rather, it shows up on the driving record of the offender and stays there forever. Having DWI on your record can affect your ability to seek employment in industries that require a clean record or involve driving. Also, a DWI conviction can have implications for some professions with conduct standards established by licensing boards like doctors, lawyers, and pilots. You may need to report your DWI conviction to your professional board. To avoid these consequences, you need an attorney to help you build a strong defense strategy and get your charges dismissed or reduced. 

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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