
Will Wisconsin have an NHL team?

Given Wisconsin’s history in hockey, one naturally wonders: Does Wisconsin have a hockey team? Nope.

But, ever wondered if Wisconsin could ever score its very own NHL team? Well, suppose, Wisconsin covered in ice, decked out in green and gold, with fans shouting, “Go Pack Go!” Yep, our Green Bay Packers are kings around here, and Lambeau Field is like a holy place.

But, wait a minute, what if we could add another cool team to our mix? Could we get an NHL team here? 

Getting an NHL team isn’t as easy as ordering pizza. A lot is going on in this process, as teams are like big businesses that need a lot of planning. 

So, is it possible for Wisconsin to get its team? Lets break it down.

Hockey Fever in Wisconsin: Will the State Ever Get an NHL Team?

It’s no secret that Wisconsin is a hockey hotbed. From youth leagues to college powerhouses, the state has a rich tradition of cultivating exceptional hockey talent. 

The University of Wisconsin’s Badgers consistently makes waves in NCAA hockey, showcasing players who later become NHL stars. Names like Joe Pavelski and Ryan McDonagh probably ring a bell, don’t they? 

Therefore, considering the abundant skill within our local vicinity, is it truly implausible to envision an NHL squad thriving in this region? However, we haven’t reached that point just yet. The NHL constitutes a intricate network of teams, commercial agreements, and practical obstacles.

For Wisconsin to snag its own NHL team, a combination of factors needs to align like the stars in the night sky. Let’s break down a few key considerations that could guide us toward that goal.

  1. Market Size and Fan Base

Although Wisconsin may not hold the highest population among the states, our profound passion for athletics runs profound. The Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, and Milwaukee Bucks all elicit unwavering backing from enthusiasts throughout the state.

An NHL team would need a dedicated fan base, willing to brave the chill to catch a glimpse of their favorite players in action. With a rich hockey history and an existing passion for the sport, Wisconsin’s got that covered.

  1. Arena Infrastructure

An NHL team needs a cool place to play, like an arena. We have some great spots like Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee and Kohl Center in Madison

But, for NHL action, we’d need a big-time arena with comfy seats, fancy boxes, and more. Fixing up an arena or making a new one could be tough, but not impossible.

  1. Financial Backing

You can’t just conjure an NHL team out of thin air. It takes deep pockets and a commitment to long-term investment. Franchise fees, player salaries, operational costs – they all add up faster than you can say hat trick. 

Potential owners with a genuine passion for the sport and the resources to back it up would be instrumental in making this dream a reality.

  1. Geographical Considerations

Alright, here’s where it gets a little tricky. We’re curled up between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Minnesota Wild, two established NHL teams with their passionate followings.

If Wisconsin were to join the NHL club, it could potentially mean shifting the delicate balance of fan loyalties in the region. 

But, in the world of sports, rivalry is part of the game, right? Just imagine the fierce showdowns and bragging rights that could spring up!

  1. League Approval and Expansion Opportunities

To enter the NHL, you need an invitation to the party. The league’s board of governors has the final say on expansion teams. 

This decision is influenced by a variety of factors, including market viability, ownership stability, and the overall growth of the league. The NHL has expanded before, welcoming teams like the Vegas Golden Knights and the Seattle Kraken. 

In Brief

So, there you have it – a glimpse into Wisconsin’s thrilling NHL dreams. While we might not be lacing up our skates just yet, the possibility of an NHL team gracing our state with its presence isn’t entirely out of reach.

 As we eagerly watch the progression of the sport and the evolving situation of professional hockey, one thing remains certain: our passion for hockey isn’t going anywhere.

Keep your jerseys pressed, your sticks ready, and your eyes on the ice. The journey to an NHL team in Wisconsin might be a winding one, but the thrill of the chase is half the fun. 

As the winter arrives in our state, they might carry the hope of a future where we’ll be cheering for our very own Wisconsin Warriors. Until then, let’s keep our fingers crossed, and our dreams of an NHL team alive on the ice of possibilities.


Sanket Goyal is an SEO specialist at and is passionate about new technology and blogging.

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