Writing a Lab Report – Guidelines from the Custom Lab Report Writing Service
The laboratory report is written to describe the experiment carried out; the author presents the calculations and results and concludes. The teacher evaluates such a report not only by the content but also by the format. They pay particular attention to illustrations, formulas, and tables. If you always had problems with formatting, then it is better to ask for help at a custom lab report writing service. You will receive a sample of a lab report that will show you how to format your project correctly. In this way, you have more chances to get a high grade.
What Is Lab Work?
Usually, laboratory work is some kind of student’s adventure. And it is precisely this adventure that you should talk about in the report. How to create a high-quality report with all important elements, properly characterize all the steps – many students often ask these questions. Now let’s figure it out.
Formatting Of A Lab Report
The title page of the laboratory report should contain the title “Laboratory report.” Then you should include your name and surname, as well as the city and year of the work. And if everything is more or less clear with the title page, then you need to tinker a little with the rest of the format.
In the first part, it is necessary to prove the relevance of your research in view of the need to solve any issue or scientific problem. After that, it is necessary to indicate the object and subject of research. The object will be what you will consider, and the subject will be certain characteristics of the object.
Further, it is imperative to indicate for what purpose you are carrying out research manipulations. It can be a study, definition, measurement, comparison, verification of certain indicators of something. Here are specific examples of the above:
- The object of research is jewelry made of gilding.
- The subject of research is the change in the color characteristics and thickness of the gilding coating during the constant wearing of jewelry.
- The aim of the study is to determine the time, temperature, and light conditions that contribute to the visual change of jewelry.
- The relevance of this work will be the justification of the advantages of purchasing gilded jewelry due to its reasonable price and presentability.
Theoretical Part
The theoretical part is formatted in the most simple way. You just need to choose a single font, text style and take into account all the requirements provided by the teacher. The volume depends on how deeply you go into the topic.
All other parts of the laboratory report are drawn up approximately in the same way. It is necessary to take into account the fact that any student report should have a single font, format style, and even the same line spacing.
Practical Part
After the basic theoretical information needed to understand the lab report topic, the description of your experiment begins. Here it would help if you listed the following:
- technical equipment, devices, materials used
- method of the investigation (as a rule, they give it in the manual)
- the course of laboratory work, which is performed by you.
Compose the practical part so that the reader can understand that you independently performed all the actions. It should be written in a way so that the reader can reproduce your actions as well.
At the end of the practical part, you need to draw up a table, which displays all the results you obtained. If the laboratory work requires intermediate results, then also record them in tables.
In the last part of your lab report, you should summarize the tasks, which you performed, and briefly lists the data which you obtained. Draw your conclusions based on them.
Requirements For Formatting
Draw up the lab report by the requirements of the university or department. When formatting, focus on the manual and not on the reports of past years because non-obvious little things and standards can change over time (for example, the name of your university, the full name of the teacher).
Lab Report Frame
Some educational institutions (mostly technical) require a lab report to be presented on framed pages. Its parameters depend on a specific university or department, so they need to be taken from the manual for a laboratory report.
Graphic Format
To insert pictures, tables, or diagrams into a lab report, you need to bring them all to the same shape and size. If this concerns a table, then they should all have the same line width. The font in the tables should not be different either.
If you insert images into a laboratory report, they absolutely cannot be of different sizes. All reporting work should contain pictures of the same type.
As for diagrams or other graphic elements, as in the case of tables, they should not be completely different. If you’ve used a pie chart once, use it throughout your report.
How To Properly Draw Up A Laboratory Report And Get A Good Grade?
Any student dreams of getting good grades and not putting a lot of effort into it. They would like to do everything quickly and easily. But not always tasks from teachers are so simple that they can be completed at once and forgotten.
And therefore, many students are killing their best years by conducting laboratory experiments. However, if you follow our guidelines, writing a lab report will be much easier for you. You will have more time for more pleasant things.