
Writing papers and essays – how to do it correctly?

Students have to learn to acquire knowledge and absorb new information on their own. One of the most important tasks of teachers or lecturers is to teach a student to work independently. The aim is for the growing generation to be creative and proactive. Homework and the preparation of independent work – writing research papers – play a significant role in the development of independence.

One of the most frequently prepared written works are essays and papers. It is a preparation for ‘more complex’ written assignments, such as term or diploma theses, which are taught in higher courses. Thus, knowledge of the peculiarities of paper writing is extremely important.

For many, writing a paper becomes a daunting task. Its preparation takes a long time, and the received evaluation is not always gratifying. So, the question may arise, and how to prepare a paper properly?

Of course, in order to write a paper well, it is necessary to know its structure and other peculiarities of writing. In order to make writing a paper much easier, we share useful information.

The most important parts of the paper

An essay is a written research paper that presents the main information heard or read. The purpose of this work is to present the essence of the subject so that the other person can form a motivated opinion on a certain topic.

In this work, the information in foreign texts must be presented in your own words. The information must be provided scientifically. The aim is for the pupil or student to systematize and evaluate scientific information.

The requirements and assessment of the paper may vary slightly, depending on the instructions of the teacher or lecturer, but the specific assessment criteria will be given to you by your teacher or lecturer, it is only important to follow them.

However, the essay will always have to contain the following structural parts: title page, content, introduction, presentation, conclusions and sources used (list of references).

Title page. This is the so-called title page, where the author must provide information about himself, that is, the name, the name of his educational institution. The title page indicates the topic, city, and date. This sheet often needs to identify the teacher / supervisor. This page is unnumbered.

Content. This numbered sheet contains the names of all sections and subsections. The content usually takes 1-2 pages. Page numbering usually starts from this page.

Introduction. In this part, the most important thing is to reveal the relevance of the topic, to form and name problems. When preparing this type of written work at the university, the object, purpose, tasks and research methodology are usually mentioned in this part. This part should take 0.5 – 1 sheet.

Teaching. This is the most important part of the written work, which should range from 5 to 10 pages, but a larger paper may be prepared.

In this section, it is important to disclose the topic in as much detail as possible (follow the topic title), but the information should be relevant to the topic and not try to “add” as much as possible.

It is important to write clearly, systematically, the writing style should be scientific. When preparing a larger paper, it is advisable to divide its content into chapters and subsections.

Conclusions. In this section, it is important to summarize all the information provided. You can provide it by numbering. The volume should be about 0.5 – 1 sheet. Do not expand. Do not repeat the information mentioned in the tutorial.

References. When writing information, you use information provided by other authors – articles, books, etc., so in this section you must indicate them (author’s name / surname, book / article title), otherwise your work may be called “plagiarism”.

Tips for preparing a paper

 Search for information not only in your native language but also in a foreign language. Use at least 10 literature sources to argue your paper. Most of the preparation methodologies state that the volume of the paper should be 10 – 20 pages.

  • You can sign the plan. This will make the job easier. Write down the most important thoughts you want to say in your work. Set goals, problem. Write only information related to the topic.
  • Quote. Be sure to paraphrase other authors. You cannot submit other people’s thoughts as your own. The work must be unique. Write the paper independently, then it will be evaluated with a good score and you will learn the required topic.
  • Write your work in a hurry. It is advisable to write it down for a few days, or at least take the time to read it. There will always be something you want to change about it.
  • After writing the work, check for spelling mistakes. Arrange the fonts and paragraph spacing according to the recommendations. Font size 12 points. Line spacing 1.5 pt. It is important to align the margins: 2.5 (or 3) cm from the left, 1 cm from the right, 2 cm at the top and bottom. Each chapter is written on a new sheet. Pages must be numbered.

We hope that these tips have been helpful and that writing papers and essays will be easier.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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