
3 Sporting Activities to get you Fit for Summer

With summer rapidly approaching, the days are getting longer, and the weather is becoming warmer and brighter. At this time of year, getting outdoors is a far more pleasurable proposition and many people are looking to improve their general fitness by taking part in some enjoyable sporting activities. Almost all sports are an excellent way to improve your physical strength and endurance levels. They are also the perfect activity to help you feel more positive as endorphins are released after extended periods of physical activity, which is the body’s “feel good” hormone. Taking part in sports can also improve your self-image as you burn off excess fat and become leaner and stronger. If you are looking to take up a new sport this year, this article will be of significant assistance. Three specific sporting activities are described in detail, and each is suitable for a wide range of age groups and general fitness levels.

Try martial arts

Martial arts is a sport that is growing in popularity. It is estimated that globally 3.6 million people take part in some form of martial arts training. It is truly a sport that can be enjoyed by all ages, and it is common for students as young as six or seven to start training in the various forms of the self-defense methods. Popular martial arts include karate, judo and taekwondo and these are often taught by highly trained professionals at establishments such as Infinity Martial Arts Kawana. Learning any form of the various martial arts is a perfect way to improve strength, reflexes and physical endurance. It is also a perfect way to gain improved self-confidence as you will be learning a sport that helps you defend yourself if you are unfortunate to be attacked or need to help others if a violent confrontation develops. 

Mountain biking

One of the key benefits of mountain biking is that it allows you to get outdoors and explore nature at your own pace. It is a sport that can be enjoyed by a wide range of people of different fitness levels. It is possible to take a gentle ride out into the country and cover a few kilometers or plan a full day of riding, taking in a range of locations on your route whilst enjoying a mix of hill climbing and rapid descents that require quick reflexes and perfect concentration. Another bonus for mountain biking is that you can buy a perfectly functional mountain bike for a reasonably low price which will be ideally suited for amateur biking. Here are some of the best entry-level mountain bikes on the market in 2023.

Join an amateur football team

Playing football (or soccer as it is called in America) is one of the best forms of all-round exercise for developing extremely high levels of cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Whilst it is only played at the highest levels by professional athletes, it can be enjoyed by people of varied fitness levels at a beginner or amateur level. It is also a great team sport that improves communication and leadership, as the whole team must work together as a unit to have a higher chance of beating their opposition. Search online for a local amateur club if you wish to take part in this sport. You will find that after only a few months of training, your fitness levels will be dramatically improved.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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