Almost Sisters Relationship Between Evaluna Montaner And Her Sister-in-Law Manuela Echeverry

By marrying Camilo Echeverry, Evaluna Montaner won not only the love of her life, but her entire family as well. The Echeverries have great esteem for the young woman and love her like one more daughter. Even Evaluna and Manuela Echeverry’s relationship – Camilo’s older sister – is like life companions and they refer to each other as “sisters”. Manuela, who is an outstanding chef, has assured on several occasions that Evaluna is like “the little sister that God gave her.” We have for you some of their most beautiful photos together, they are inseparable!
The Echeverry family
Camilo is the son of Eugenio Echeverry and Lía Correa. He has an older sister named Manuela, to whom he is super close.
Evaluna and Manuela
Evaluna is the only girl among her brothers. Her father Ricardo Montaner has Héctor and Alejandro, from a previous marriage, and with Marlene Rodríguez, Evaluna’s mother, she has Mauricio and Ricardo Jr, who form the duo Mau & Ricky.
Having no other girl in her family, Evaluna sees Manuela as just another sister.
Evaluna Montaner and her sister-in-law in the kitchen
Their relationship is so good that Manuela teaches Evaluna to cook and gives her her best cooking secrets. The singer referred to Manuela as “my little sister.”
Witness of love
But their relationship of almost sisters goes further, as Manuela was a maid of honor at Camilo and Evauna’s wedding, last February. In this photo from the day of the wedding, Evaluna appears with her ladies and Manuela.
Manuela shared this selfie of the wedding day and accompanied it with some beautiful words: “Celebrating a beautiful love. A love that perseveres, that dreams, that shines above all else. A love that unites, that embraces, that grows … a privilege to be a witness in this life of something so special and to have the fortune of having it close by as an example and guide. they are very lucky to have each other. Welcome to the Echeverry family @evalunamontaner !!!
The Montaners also adore her
The beautiful relationship is not only with the singer, but Manuela is very loved by the members of the Montaner family. In this photo, Evaluna, Manuela and Marlene Rodríguez, Evaluna’s mother, appear.
Wanted by Mau and Ricky
Manuela also gets along well with Evaluna’s siblings, and they form a great gang.
Great teachings
Manuela has learned many things from her young sister-in-law and in her social networks she does not miss the opportunity to embrace Evaluna’s presence in her life. “Your way of being has changed my perception of many things. Your faith has transformed my faith, you have illuminated my life and my family gives it so powerfully that now I don’t remember a life in which you were not, ”Manuela wrote about her sister-in-law.
Almost of the same blood
There is no doubt that Evaluna is very lucky to have such an incredible sister-in-law, they are like sisters!