Life Style

Automated Cannabis Pre-Roll Packaging Machines 101

Making a name for yourself in the competitive cannabis industry is a bit challenging. To succeed, potential business owners need to conduct extensive research. The main thing that could separate them from the rest is automating the packaging process. This might sound like a lot of work, but thanks to the new high-tech machines, you won’t have to do any labor. Perhaps this is why pre-roll machines have been creating so much buzz.

So, what do you need to know if you want to switch to the automated process? We’ll cover all of the ins and outs of that in this article. Afterward, you’ll be able to decide whether this is the right path for you.

What Is an Automated Cannabis Pre-Roll Machine?

Even if you are in the business, you may not know what these machines are, and that’s okay. We’ll explain them to you in detail to help you get a better picture. 

As the name suggests, these machines allow automatic pre-rolling and pre-filling. Namely, they have dedicated slots for both herbs and pre-rolled cones, which makes the whole process easier. 

Different machines function in different ways, meaning they can fill the cones using various processes. Two of the main ones are vibration and shaking. Also, depending on the type of machine you purchase, you can choose the number of cones you want to produce. 

Some machines, like automated cannabis pre-roll packaging machines by Hefestus, put out up to 2,000 rolls per hour. Others, such as industrial-sized ones, can produce twice as much. Which one you will choose depends on your business’s demands. You can always go for a smaller one and switch once you have a reason to do so.

What makes automation thrive is consistency. These pre-roll machines produce top-notch products that do not differ much in density or appearance. This is what makes a business thrive — a good reputation that ensures customers keep coming back.

How to Choose the Best Machine

If you’ve decided that this investment is the right option for you, you should also know which factors to consider when buying a machine. Take a look at the three main points that you should always keep in mind:

  • Life cycle — Consider the materials used to create this machine, and don’t forget to look into how long it will last. These are critical factors that can significantly impact your investment. For example, machines made from steel will last longer than foam ones.
  • Technology — Each machine processor uses a different method to pack cones. Some vibrate, while others shake the product into the cone. Do your research before committing.
  • Daily capacity — If you want to keep up with the demand, you might want to consider a commercial-grade machine. If not, choose a smaller one, and you can upgrade in a couple of years or when demands increase.

Why Opt for Automation?

Not every cannabis business wants to invest in an expensive automated pre-roll machine — and that’s completely fine. However, we suggest taking a look at the pros and cons of automation versus manual rolling, as it might help you make the right call.

ExpensesPre-rollsManual rolls
Startup period1–2 weeks6–12 weeks
Equipment (in the long run)$6,000+$150,000+
Labor Easy to trainSkilled technicians
User experienceEffects that are not as strongStronger effects

As you can see, there are pros and cons to both. It’s ultimately up to you whether you want to trust the automated process. More on that in this article.

However, the demand for rolled joints is much higher today compared to a few years ago. Not only are they the top choice for social settings, but they are also easy to place as a product due to their established image.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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