Dolor Orofacial Clinic

Dolor Orofacial is a prestigious clinic from Barcelona, Spain; which has a worldwide presence and more than forty years of track record providing attention exclusively to people who suffer from TMJ pathology, orofacial pain, and sleep apnea. This clinic has only the best professionals, who graduated from the most respected universities and medical centers. All of these professionals are recognized and renowned specialists in Spain. If you have any symptoms of the diseases mentioned above, contact Dolor Orofacial to schedule an appointment.
Instituto Creaneomandibular Academy
Along with the Dolor Orofacial clinic, there is the Instituto Craneomandibular academy. This institute was founded by Dr. Eduardo Vázquez Rodríguez and it works as part of the clinic. There, professionals can postgraduate in craniomandibular dysfunction, orofacial pain, and dental sleep medicine. Some of the teachers at the craniomandibular institute are the same experts that currently work at the clinic. So, it is one of the best options if you are wanting to learn with teachers that are up to date in these fields of knowledge.
Dolor Orofacial specialties
As we already said, Dolor Orofacial focuses exclusively on TMJ pathologies, sleep apnea, and orofacial pain. For TMJ dysfunctions the specialties which can receive treatment in the clinic are bruxism, mandible pain, lack or excess of mouth opening, and clicking or popping noises in the jaw. The second specialty treated is craniocervical pain, this includes headaches, neuralgias, and cervical pain. For the sleep apnea specialty, all the breathing disorders produced while sleeping can receive treatment in this clinic. The last one of Dolor Orofacial’s outstanding specialties is mouth pain, particularly burning mouth syndrome. You can get to know all the specialties in Dolor orofacial.
Dolor Orofacial treatments
A lot of treatments are provided by Dolor orofacial, if you want to know about a specific one you should get in touch with them. But here we will mention some of the most required by their patients. 3D discharge displants, TMJ physiotherapy, pharmacogenetic analysis of orofacial pain, regenerative medicine growth factors, biofeedback headband, cognitive behavioral therapy, somatosensory tinnitus treatment, mandibular advancement device for sleep apnea, polysomnographic studies for sleep apnea, botulinum toxin for bruxism and headaches, transcranial nerve stimulation for chronic pain, neurosurgery for neuralgia and headaches.
Dolor Orofacial team
Dr. Eduardo Vázquez Delgado is currently the craniomandibular dysfunction specialist, as soon as he graduated as an odontologist he moved to live in the United States. There he worked in the craniomandibular dysfunction and orofacial pain departments of Kentucky University. In addition to his position in the clinic, he works as a teacher at the craniomandibular institute academy.
Dr. Eduardo Vázquez Rodríguez, the founder of the craniomandibular institute. Bachelor of Medicine and Stomatology. An eminence of craniomandibular dysfunction who trained lots of students and professionals.
Dra. Gloria Villalba Martinez, neurosurgery specialist. Doctor’s degree researcher and a teacher at Barcelona University, with a wide experience and hierarchical positions in different clinics as a neurosurgeon.
Dra. Marta Viaplana, orofacial pain and oral medicine specialist. Bachelor of dentistry with an oral surgery master. She teaches at the craniomandibular institute while working at the clinic.
Dra. Nuria Destaló Alcázar, bachelor of dentistry; and Sra. Cristina Benedi Cano, phisioterapist. Both are outstanding professionals in orofacial pain, craniomandibular dysfunction, and sleep apnea fields.
Sra. María Medina Rodríguez, physioterapy specialist. She excelled at university and graduated as a diplomat in physiotherapy.
Sra. Johana Moreno Perez, with a degree in psychology with a master neuropsychological rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation. Tutor for the degree in psychology and teacher of the master of anesthesia, resuscitation, and pain therapy nursing.For more information: