
How Do Direct Funerals Work in 2022?

Direct funerals have become increasingly popular over the last decade or so and this trend looks set to continue in 2022 and beyond. What are they? Why do people choose them? What can you expect if you arrange one for yourself or someone who has recently passed on? Read on to find out.

Direct Funerals – Two Choices

To begin with, there are two types of direct funerals. The first is a simple burial service, usually staged in a local authority cemetery. The other is a direct cremation which will be offered at a local crematorium. With either of these options, you won’t have a say when the funeral takes place because direct funerals are slotted around other services. This doesn’t suit everyone. Equally, if you want an ecological funeral, a burial at sea or religious readings to be given, then a direct funeral is not for you.

Why Opt for a Direct Funeral?

The primary reason that many people want to arrange a direct burial or a cremation nowadays is cost. Although direct burials are more expensive – on average – than direct cremations, both options are significantly less expensive than a typical funeral. This is because you won’t need to hire a hearse or limousines, won’t stage a wake and won’t even ask mourners to send flowers. There is no officiant to pay either since there won’t even be a service. 

Please note, however, that the simplicity and directness of these sorts of funerals appeal to some people not because of their low fees but because of the very fact that they are unfussy. Some individuals just don’t care about funerals and therefore, want as simple and as hassle-free one as possible. There again, they might want a straightforward funeral arrangement while they’re in the throes of grief followed by a more celebratory event down the line.

Can You Plan Your Own Direct Funeral?

Yes, you can. According to Newrest Funerals, the best time to start planning a direct funeral is today while you still can. Many people now pre-pay for their funerals because they don’t want those they leave behind to face any financial burdens from their passing. By paying in advance, it can put your mind at ease and make it all the more affordable. Given that direct funerals are among the cheapest ways to make the necessary arrangements, taking out a pre-payment plan could be in your family’s best financial interests.

What Do You Pay for With a Direct Funeral?

Although they are much cheaper than traditional funeral services, there are some things you’ll need to pay for when planning a direct funeral. For instance, there will be a charge from the funeral directors, plus a fee from the crematorium or cemetery and West Chester monument company. Transporting and storing the deceased also needs to be paid for. You must also pay for a coffin but a low-cost veneered one will suffice and they are not terribly expensive.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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