
How to Save Money at HyVee?

Who doesn’t not like saving a few bucks every time you go shopping? Be it going for weekly grocery shopping or just to buy some essentials, if you have some tricks up your sleeves, you can save a lot of your money and time. We all know how expensive fresh and organic products are. There is a fair chance that some of these tips will come as a total surprise to you. So, keep reading this article and try using a tip or two next time you go shopping at the HyVee’s.

 Tips to save money at HyVee:

  1. Keep a check on HyVee’s weekly ads & flyers: 

Like any other store, HyVee releases its weekly ads and flyers to make people aware of what they have in store for the week. You can use this information and plan your shopping rendezvous accordingly. With these HyVee weekly ads, you can also keep a check on discounts and offers that you might not be aware of. You might even find a discount coupon in the ads and flyers that can help you save more. 

  1. Make use of Fuel Save + Perks Card:

The Fuel Save + Perks Card is a free program for all the shoppers at HyVee. Through this program, you earn discounts on fuel when you buy a specific product. If you have a HyVee Fuel Saver card, upgrade it to a HyVee Fuel Saver + Perks Card, and you can receive amazing deals on your favorite products. Several digital deals target right at your shopping list and provide you with offers. You can also have a chance to win rewards like a kitchen makeover, vacation package, or a car. So, upgrade your card today.

  1. Get exciting deals on HyVee

HyVee has launched their website where you can take a look at their deals all by sitting at your home. A HyVee weekly ads is printed online that gives you updates regarding the deals, sales, and how much you can save on buying a particular product. You can even check the whole department on the website. It is a mobile-friendly site which makes it easily accessible to everyone. There is also the availability of digital clip coupons on their site. So whenever you use your Fuel Save card, your coupons get redeemed instantly.

  1. Make a plan of your shopping list online:

Instead of using the old pen and paper technique to make your shopping list, you can easily curate it online using HyVee’s website. Browse your favorite products and click on “add to list” to create a shopping list. As the HyVee site is easily accessible on the mobile, you can easily look at your list on your phone whenever necessary. This way you won’t forget to buy any item. You can also keep track of whether you are going out of the budget.

  1. Trying shopping at the same store location:

The most important saving tip that no one talks about is shopping from the same store. When you shop again and again from the same store location, you are bound to incur many advantages. Like you get loyalty points, store discounts. You will also be well-versed with what is there and at which corner will help you in your time.  

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