
Important Considerations About EMTs

Working in the front lines of medical emergency responses isn’t as people imagine. It takes a lot of courage and patience to be capable to get in contact with all types of characters. EMTs aren’t just responding to emergency calls, but they are the first ones that provide life-saving care to individuals at a scene of an accident. To become a qualified EMT, you must attend some courses where you’ll learn to provide CPR, wrap wounds and injuries, administer medications, and stabilize broken bones, or drive an ambulance. Oftentimes, EMTs deal with lots of issues when driving the ambulance, or when dealing with patience.

People that are in pain can be less cooperative, so EMTs must struggle a lot to make them respond to their intend of giving medical care. EMTs also know how to provide basic emergency services across random moments of life. For example, someone might deal with a chocking issue, and no one around has the experience to provide emergency delivery care. EMTs also know how to help seniors who experience a cardiac arrest.

Basically, EMTs are prepared and bold enough to walk into situations that require difficult medical care.

What is the job outlook for an EMT?

Those who say that heroes don’t exist clearly haven’t met an EMT before. On the contrary, heroes are found in the most common places, such as ambulances – that’s where you’ll find an EMT, waiting to save someone’s life. EMTs perform heroic acts, and becoming an EMT doesn’t even require you to have a high school diploma or a GED. If you’re over 18 years old and you want to enroll in an EMT course, then what are you still waiting for?

Are you a good candidate to become an EMT?

Are you already working full-time, but eager to find another job where you’ll feel more useful? Don’t worry: we’ve got the perfect job for you – becoming an EMT (emergency medical technician). An EMT course will accommodate anyone’s lifestyle. If you’ve always dreamed about becoming a doctor, then don’t give up on your dreams. Working as an EMT will help you see things differently, and become a hero who saves people’s lives. What’s more rewarding and satisfying than that?

The courses aren’t how you imagine: sitting in a classroom, all bored to tears. A big part of EMT courses is practical, too. And the best part is that you work a 12-hour rotation in a hospital. After passing the practical exam, you may officially receive an EMT-Basic certification which is proof that you may now legitimately call yourself an emergency medical technician.

What will you learn in the EMT classes?

All you need to know about medical emergencies are incorporated through these courses. The next possible time someone else’s life will be in danger, you will be the one who’s taking charge.

Everything you’ll learn at the EMT basic training:

  • Trauma care
  • Patient assessment
  • CPR
  • Hemorrhage control
  • Managing medical emergencies
  • Emergency childbirth
  • Using basic life support equipment
  • Fracture and spinal stabilization
  • Using a semi-automatic defibrillator

How much does cost the price of a full EMT course?

It may vary, depending on the state, but it might cost around $1250.

Why choose a career as an EMT?

Not everyone can spend their days saving human lives. Even when you aren’t doing it, you’ll still be touching countless lives in positive ways. So, anyone with a broken arm will be comforted by an EMT, until they get to the hospital. Saving lives and helping others while making money? Yes, please.

Testing for a medical emergency license

After completing the required training, the final step is to fulfill the requirements to be a medical emergency technician is to take your country’s licensing exam. It’s indeed a difficult test, but there are more opportunities to become an EMT than you imagine. Once you have the certification, you can get a job as an EMT – It’s really satisfying to be considered the hero in a story. Plus, you’ll get a higher salary, even though you will have more responsibilities. You can also work in a like support helicopter, fire station, hospital, etc. It’s like becoming a paramedic, only that there are slightly few differences.

When they hear about paramedics or EMTs, people only think about is drama. EMTs rescue victims and carry them to the medical emergency rooms. The big majority of EMTs are responders with certified paramedic levels. Both work in a variety of different healthcare settings, like helicopters, ambulances, and fire departments. You can’t really tell a difference when you see a paramedic and an EMT – they both wear uniforms and they are aimed to help patients. So, you might say there isn’t quite a difference.

But the difference is that they receive different levels of care they provide to patients. A paramedic complete program lasts between 1200 to 1800 hours, compared to an EMT course that lasts a minimum of 170 hours. In order to become an EMT or a paramedic, there are some major steps you must follow:

  • Meet the eligibility requirements for attending the course
  • Attend and complete an approved EMT course
  • Take and pass the EMT and paramedic skills exams
  • Apply and obtain certification within two years of being issued a complete course certification

Is becoming an EMT the right career path for you?

For those with bold souls and who aren’t sensitive in general, a career as an EMT is great for proving their braveness. Not everyone can be eligible and brave enough to decide to spend the rest of their lives saving human lives. Not only you’ll save lives when needed, but you will positively put a smile on people’s faces in their toughest times. Comforting people can be a hard thing to do: but if you’re good at it, why not use your powers and make a better place in this world? EMTs are always needed and wanted, so if you want a stable career, this is the best opportunity to start your journey to become an EMT.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Contact us:-[email protected]

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