
Oceania Countries Wordle The top countries to guess the Wordle

Everyone has played Wordle at least once in our lives. It appears to be a simple game, but it’s not. It requires a keen concentration and determination. Many people from countries such as Canada as well as Australia, Canada United States, the United Kingdom and Australia are looking for information on Oceania countries on Wordle. But, they’re not receiving accurate information.

This article provides information about the ambiguous word. This article will allow you understand the meaning of Oceania Countries in the Wordle Game. Therefore, please take a look at this article.

About Oceania Countries

Are you aware of Oceania Countries? Oceania comprises the countries that are part of the Pacific Ocean and Australasia. These are Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Micronesia, and Kiribati. Oceania is not part of the category of continent. It is a region that lies close to those in South Pacific and Australasia. For more information about the game, go through the article.

Oceania Countries Wordle

The latest games for quizzes is reigning the hearts and souls of players. This game of quiz is linked to Oceania countries, where you have to identify the correct names for the countries. About 3.9 million people took part in this game.

There is a chance that you had played the Wordle game, where you have to determine the word in the correct order. Similar to that you must guess the names of the countries in Oceania and if you pick that the right name you’ll be able to see a green icon that displays the correct sign , and it will be added to the map within the Oceania Countries Wordle.

If you make an error it will display an error in red that indicates the wrong choice. The game is now trending because it was revealed that the Wordle game has exhibited its show. The game is now popular among gamers.

The top countries to guess the Wordle

A variety of countries are engaged in this Oceanic global game. But, Sweden is ranked first in the top list of the most accurate guesses within the Wordle with an average accurate word guessing of 3.72 attempts. The list includes more countries the list such as Switzerland in 3.78 attempts. Other countries that are included in the list include:

  • Poland is the 3rd largest country third with 3.79 attempts.
  • In the Oceania countries Wordle, Australia and Belgium are in fourth place with 3.80 attempts.
  • Finland is ranked sixth, with 3.81.
  • There’s a tie between Brazil, South Africa, and Denmark with 3.83 attempts. Brazil was ranked seventh on the rankings.
  • Canada was 17th while the US was ranked 18th.


In conclusion The readers will find information on the most requested topic in this article. The people who searched for this information for quite a while, which is why we’ve provided all the pertinent information collected from various reliable sources.

Would you be willing to share your thoughts on the Oceania Countries Wordle? If you enjoy this article and would like to share your thoughts, leave a comment to the comment section.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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