
Periksa Data .com Information on Periksa Bpjs

The website Periksa Data has been around for a while. Internet security is difficult today. People also believe that the internet can be dangerous and expose personal information. Periksa Website claims it will help people in Indonesia. We will give the Periksha website information to help you determine if it is legitimate.

What is Periksa

Periksa refers to an Indonesian website. Periksa comes from the word that means checking. This website claims to be able to assist people with a tool. This tool can be used to determine if someone is using your private information. This website can be used by anyone who is facing data theft problems. Pariksa is an organization that’s not for profit and has a volunteer section where people can help others. You can learn more about Pariksa by following us on Facebook.

Information on Periksa Bpjs

As we have discussed, Indonesia has problems with weak data protection. Experts say that Indonesia has weak security because of the alleged breach of BPJs’ data. It is believed that scammers have taken 200 million private details and sold them. Periksa steps in to help these people.

Periksa added to its privacy policies that it collects BPJs (NIK), and Names. It also collects complete addresses and email addresses. The BPJS is available to all Indonesian residents who have lived in Indonesia for six months.

Is Periksa Data .com Legit?

Many websites claim to be able solve your problems. However, many of them aren’t. Let’s see if Periksa really does deliver what it claims, or if this is another fake website.

Periksa’s website boasts a real life expectancy of two years. It has a trust rating of 92/100 and a trust index that is 60%. Periksa’s official website doesn’t contain any spam. The website can also be found on social media, such as Instagram and Twitter. Periksa offers secure and reliable security.

Periksa reviews Periksa Bpjs

Periksa website also collects BPJs. Periksa has been a great help to many Indonesians facing data security issues. People trust the website with high marks and consider The Periksa a reliable website.


The article discusses the Periksa website information and whether it is authentic. The article also contains information on BPJs. For more information on BPJs, click here

Are you also a victim to cybercrime We’d love to read your comments on the article Periksa

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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