Digital Marketing

The PPC Cheat Sheet for Dentists

Every dentist dreams of attracting more customers and launching his dental care brand. If you’re a dental professional, the first thing you’re working on is setting up your dental clinic, and that’s okay. But you can’t just rely on foot traffic alone.

A successful dental brand is a combination of traditional marketing and digital marketing. And when it comes to growing a digital marketing strategy, dentists prefer a time–tested and easy process such as PPC ads.

PPC is short for pay-per-click. Instead of paying for regular online ads that cost a lot of money, you will only pay when someone clicks on your ad. PPC is a great way to attract customers and launch your dental brand overnight. Let’s find out more about PPC, its benefits, and the latest trends in this cheat sheet, PPC guide for dentists.

Why Dentists Should Consider PPC reports that PPC has impressive features that can promote any marketing campaign. PPC is:


Once your PPC ads are set up, you can sit back, relax, and wait for your customers to arrive. Your ads will lead your new patients to your landing page to check your products and, soon, to your local dental clinic.

Easy to use

PPC ads are easy to use, as all you need to set up and maintain your ads is found in the Google AdWords control panel. There’s no need to download any software or tool to create your PPC ads. You can also access your AdWords account anywhere, so managing your ads is so easy.


Traditional digital ads cost a lot of money, whereas you’ll only pay Google or the host website or platform if your ads are clicked. You will initially set a PPC ad budget, but you may still adjust your budget according to your preference.


PPC works for dentists and all other practices and businesses. Even top dental clinics and groups use PPC as one of their digital marketing strategies. It works great for all kinds of campaigns, from promoting your services to announcing your new locations.

How Does PPC Work?

To start using PPC, you must sign up for Google AdWords. Here is where you can manage your PPC ad campaigns. After signing up, choose your keywords through a simple bidding strategy.  High-value keywords have a higher bid price while low-value ones are lower. Since you want to dominate your market, bidding on high-value keywords would give you the best advantage.

Once your keywords are ready, decide where you want to place your PPC ads. Most marketers prefer to place their PPC ads on the first page of Google’s search results. You can easily see which are PPC ads as they have the label “Ads” on them, and these are mainly on the top part of the page or along the sides.

Your PPC ads in these locations make them more accessible to your customers.  If interested in your offer, they click on your ad and immediately visit your landing page. There are still other PPC ad locations online. You’ll find them as banner ads on websites, social media ads, YouTube ads, etc.

Consider These Dental PPC Techniques

To adopt PPC as one of your digital marketing strategies, you must take note of the following strategies. The first on the list is the most important tip of all.

Use Well-Researched Dental PPC Keywords

To create a successful PPC strategy, you need to use the right keywords. With dental professionals, you must perform keyword research first.

Broad vs. focused keywords

If you want to compete with other dental clinics and offices in your local area, it would be best to use focused keywords instead of broad terms. Words like “dentist” or “orthodontists” are very broad terms and will least likely pull out your business. Consider using long-tail keywords that focus on your market, expertise, location, and services.

What’s your specialization?

Just like other medical professionals, dentists have their areas of specialization. Some dentists are pediatric dentists, while some are teeth whitening experts. Add your expertise to your keywords to create more specific PPC ads.

Consider your location

Add your location to your keywords to create locally-optimized PPC ads. If you have other dental offices on other sites, create separate PPC ads for these.

Spice it up with descriptions

Describe your services to entice your audience. Indeed, “expert pediatric dentist in San Diego” sounds better than “San Diego pediatric dentist.”

Keyword positioning is crucial

PPC ads come with a title and a short description. Use your long-tail, focused keywords carefully in every PPC ad.

Develop Custom-Made Landing Pages

Successful PPC ads lead to optimized, high-value, relevant, and helpful landing pages. Whether your ads lead to product or service pages, promo or particular offer pages, or your contact page, make sure that these are well-written and optimized. Review your landing pages regularly and update your ads as necessary.

Consider Local Targeting

Create local PPC ads that will help you engage more local clients. As we said before, create PPC ads for every business location. Don’t forget to display your business address on every page of your website. Include these in your website page banner if you serve areas surrounding your locale. Don’t forget to display your phone number as well. Customers who are interested in your service are more likely to call ASAP.

Use PPC for Phone Calls

You can design your PPC ads to link to your business phone number. Instead of connecting to a landing page, the ad will allow your customer to call you to inquire about your services or schedule an appointment immediately. This is an example of how versatile and fast PPC ads can transform an audience into a full-pledge customer.

Final Words

The final step is an evaluation of your PPC marketing strategy. It involves a review of keyword performance, budget, and engagement. The beauty of PPC is that you can change your target keywords, upgrade your content, and adjust your budgeting.

Make PPC a part of your digital marketing campaigns, and you’ll enjoy great results without an expensive marketing budget.  

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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