Tips to follow before taking your dog to office

Businesses are starting to let employees bring their dogs to work as workplace norms evolve throughout the globe. Not only can bringing your dog to work lower stress levels, but it also enhances productivity, makes employees happier, and promotes positive relationships among coworkers. According to a study, pet owners who took their animals to work had less stress overall.
Take advantage if you’re fortunate enough to work somewhere that allows visits from your dog. But before you do, consider these suggestions for bringing your dog to work.
- Confirm in your office:
Ensure your landlord or the building administration permits pets in the workplace first. Check with management and your coworkers to find out whether someone will be allergic to, fearful of, or against you bringing your dog to work on this particular day. You should offer people the chance to express any allergies, phobias, or other issues they may have about having dogs in the workplace before letting them in.
- Make your workplace dog-proof:
Dogs can be inquisitive about novel smells, sights, and sounds. Before bringing your dog inside the office, if it isn’t already pet-friendly, you might want to conduct a walk-through to look for any potential dangers. Many offices have snack or dessert dishes accessible for eating. Request that they be placed on higher surfaces and no dog-toxic substances, such as chocolate, be placed in communal bowls.
For instance, you might need to move up and out of the way of anything your dog can readily get, such as critical documents, garbage cans, wires, and tiny items. Rolling up special floor coverings could be necessary, so cleaning materials should be close at hand. If there are areas where your dog is not welcome or safe, think about establishing a pet-free zone by installing a baby gate or keeping some doors closed.
- Get your pet checked:
Your dog should be examined by a veterinarian who will also make sure that any preventatives, such as heartworm and flea and tick treatments, are current. In addition, your veterinarian can ensure that your dog has all they need to stay protected if its lifestyle changes. Before bringing your dog, you might need to provide proof of immunizations and have a photocopy of your pet’s rabies certificate on hand.
- Prepare a supply kit for your pet:
With food, water, bowls, a leash, waste bags, treats, toys, and cleaning supplies. You can easily buy dog food and accessories online and turn your office into a joyful environment for your dog. Your dog will succeed more readily during their day at work the more prepared you are. In addition, your dog will feel more at ease and relaxed if you designate a “safe place” at your workstation.
Keep in mind that having your dog at work shouldn’t make it more difficult for you to do your job or for others to do theirs, so be respectful and keep this in mind throughout the day.
- Introduce your dog:
Before you leave for the day, it’s a good idea to give your dog a quick, leashed tour of the office to help satisfy his curiosity. By establishing connections with other people, you may get a sense of the people your dog is drawn to (or not). After successful introductions, always give your dog treats.
It’s ideal for introducing canines on neutral ground, such as a foyer, courtyard, or outside area if other dogs are in the office. Dogs may become more cooperative by walking together, and the greatest approach to reward good behavior is to lavish it with praise.
- Have a break (outside):
Work in a few quick/brisk walks during the day since every dog needs time outside to go potty and burn off energy (15 mins or less should do the trick). Remember to bring your pet if you can take a longer lunch break.
Do not anticipate your dog to spend a long period alone in the office or to work the entire day without a break. Likewise, it might not be the greatest day to bring your pet to work if you have a day packed with meetings or off-site responsibilities.
The basic message is that even though your office does accept pets, you need to be aware of your dog or cat since they could not thrive there. You don’t want to put yourself under additional strain by looking after your dog while attempting to do your task.
The essential thing is to consider how owning a pet can affect other people. For example, some employees are allowed to bring their dogs to work, but it only takes a few people to spoil them for everyone.