
Transit UK Scam Transit UK Scam: Reviews and Credibility

News was reported recently that suggested that the website is fraudulent and a scam. There are numerous reviews from customers and accusations to prove this but it’s not clear whether the website is fraudulent or it is not.

The ratings for recommendations on the site have been decreasing and thousands of United Kingdom citizens who use such websites to transit took the news with immense shock and dismay. Transit UK Scam Transit UK Scam If it is true, it could upset the legality and the virtual firewalls.

What exactly is Transit-UK.Com? is a site that specializes in logistics. It promises to revitalize the global logistics industry as part of its purpose. It offers Express courier services , as well by sea, road, and air. The firm claims to be located in London Southend airport and could provide its services immediately in times of emergency.

The company also has an emergency medical service that is open 24/7 to assist clients who are in need of medical emergency. It is to be a fraudster in addition, Transit UK Scam could be as authentic because it states that it has Regional offices across Poland, Belgium, Romania, Germany, Spain, and Finland. It also has vehicles that can move products from any place, at the same time.

Contact and Customer Service Information

In contrast to fraudsters, has a customer service center that can be reached via +441702302798, or by sending an email to [email protected]. The grievance you have is filed on the official site. The address of the regional office is listed as the 14th floor of Themesgate Business Centre, Southend-on-Sea in SS2 6DF. There’s a North Office too, with the address is on the site.

Transit UK Scam: Reviews and Credibility

The domain name of the website was registered on November 27, 2021. The website’s traffic is almost nonexistent. It’s hard to comprehend why the company that was registered in the past two or three days has invested huge sums of money to provide services across the world. The website has not been identified as fraudulent by any blocklisting engine. It’s registered with HTTPS and is thought to be genuine.

The design flaws of the website, together with the low traffic count cause the site to fall out of favor. Customer reviews aren’t accessible. Transit UK Scam is a possibility in the column for “team members” there is no picture or name that has been published on the site of

The domain name is brand new and social media presence is not listed in the site. While there are a variety of accounts operated by Transit-UK through Instagram and Facebook however it’s difficult to determine which is the official one. However, none of them contains any credible information about the account’s owners or customer reviews.


Its domain’s name appears to be recent. No reviews of customers are available on the site as well as the information regarding the owners isn’t accessible. So, we concluding the the Transit UK scam is authentic. It claims that they operate in several countries, yet hasn’t provided a single customer testimonial.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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