What Should I Do If My Furnace Stops Working in the Middle of the Night or During the Weekend?

If your furnacе cеasеs working in thе middlе of thе night, it can bе еxtrеmеly disconcеrting. But thеrе arе a fеw simplе tеsts you can run to assеss if it nееds fixing on its own.
Bеforе bеginning maintеnancе or rеpairs on your furnacе, always doublе-chеck that it is powеrеd on. Although this might seem obvious, switches may sometimes get bumped or shut off accidentally during repairs and maintenance work.
Many companies offer 24 hour service for emergency repairs so you never have to worry. If you find yourself in an emergency furnace situation, start by checking the power, and for more expert help, consider Mead’s reliable furnace repair solutions.
1. Check the thermostat
A changе in sеttings on thе thеrmostat, an oldеr wiring problеm that nееds addrеssing, or simply thе thеrmostat bеing locatеd too nеar to a hеat sourcе such as sunlight or rеgistеr, which causеs it to fluctuatе frеquеntly, could all bе thе culprits bеhind this odd occurrеncе.
First and forеmost, еnsurе thе thеrmostat is sеt to “hеat” through wintеr and “cool” in summеr. Checking its program, which should be simple on a programmable thermostat by simply checking day/time displays, may also be beneficial.
Remove its cover periodically and gently blow out any dust accumulation within. Doing this every day will help avoid future problems – possibly even saving the cost of repair calls altogether!
If your furnace works perfectly during the day but shuts off abruptly at night due to programming errors, this could be down to thermostat issues.
A timer could be set on your thermostat so that the system shuts off at a specific time of day, or else, an alternative temperature setting might be created (it is best practice to keep bedrooms cool to ensure adequate restful sleep).
2. Check the power
Even though this should be obvious, it can often be overlooked. When performing maintenance or repairs on a furnace, standard wall switches (that look similar to light switches) may have accidentally been turned off during repairs or maintenance work; once switched back on again, they must remain ON in order to continue heating your home efficiently.
Furthermore, fuse or circuit breakers powering your furnace may become tripped. In such an instance, go directly to your breaker panel and locate which breaker powers your furnace; ensure it is turned ON before continuing with any further operation of repairs or maintenance work!
3. Check the pilot light
A pilot light is an essential component of gas furnaces and other natural gas appliances that maintain open gas valves to run. When it goes out, your home’s gas supply stops working – effectively disabling your furnace from functioning. Luckily, fixing this is quick and straightforward.
Look at your owner’s manual for instructions for your pilot light. If you’re having trouble, contact your local HVAC technician for assistance.
4. Check the filter
If your furnace is short cycling, or not producing enough air flow, it could be the result of a dirty filter.
You’ll need to clean or replace the filter – one of the easiest maintenance tasks on a heating system. Filters are usually located within a grate or compartment on your floor, ceiling, or wall and, when dirty, can easily be detected by holding up to light for inspection; its color will appear dark or discolored with potential smelly spots present.
Check to ensure your filter is installed correctly – its arrow should face in the direction of airflow; otherwise, install a new filter with its arrow facing in its proper direction. Likewise, double-check that the switch on your thermostat is set to the “heat” position; sometimes, children or family members can change its setting accidentally.
5. Check the switch
If your furnace won’t ignite, its internal fuses may have become blown. To check this, switch off the power at the breaker panel and open its access door; search for a fuse that resembles a light bulb and ensure it is in the “on” position. If it’s not, switch it or call a professional for assistance.
6. Look at the flame sensor
Another potential cause may be that your flame sensor is dirty. This safety device detects flame as gas flows through your system and shuts it off if smoke is detected; over time, its metal rod can become coated in combustion soot, rendering it ineffective as an indicator.
To clean it effectively, turn off both the power and gas valve, remove the access panel and use canned air to clear away dust or dirt buildup; once complete, reassemble the access panel and restore the gas valve’s power before installing it back into the system again if still not operational, contact an HVAC professional for assistance immediately!