
When Do You Need a Resume Editing Service?

Resume writing has become quite popular recently. Writing requirements, keywords, and other aspects of crafting it can really make some people stressed. However, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Resume writing has its logic. The goal is to answer every question and requirement in the targeted job description, building a professional profile of an achiever. You should also mind the formatting, as it is one of the key factors that make your resume successful. ATS criteria must be met in full for your CV to pass the scanning.

No worries if it all makes your head spin. You can create a resume the way you see fit and then resume editing service to make it 100% compliant with resume writing best practices. Below we explain when and why exactly you need this resume editing help.

Your Resume Exceeds Two Pages

Two-pagers should be a red line for you. No recruiter will read the third page, no matter how well-written it is. That is why if you have an extensive career and don’t see what part of it you can cut, the help of a professional writer is a necessity.

They can quickly get rid of repetitions, abundance, and achievements that no longer add any value. Also, a professional writer or an editor will find a way to reword every bullet point and make it sound stronger.

Your Sentences Do Not Flow

If you see that some of the sentences do not make sense or if you find it hard to read them, you may need the help of a professional editor like at the top resume writing service. The language of your CV must be formal, but it still should be easy to read.

Also, things that are obvious to you may be hard to understand for other people. This is why an editor may use their skills to reword or rebuild a sentence in a way that other people understand.

Resume Not Tailored per Position

Sometimes, your resume underperforms because it is not tailored to the targeted job posting. In this case, all you need to do is make sure that the accomplishments you described answer the needs of the targeted job. You can look at project manager cv examples to better picture the specific targeting involved in creating such a cv.

A skilled editor can help you refocus your CV and ensure it meets the criteria for the position. Of course, this is only possible if your experience, education, and skills are relevant to the position in question or can be easily transferred in case of a career change.

A skilled editor can help you refocus your CV and ensure it meets the criteria for the position. Of course, this is only possible if your experience, education, and skills are relevant to the position in question or can be easily transferred in case of a career change.

Action Words Missing

Many people use words like “responsible for” or “in charge of” when describing their accomplishments. Unfortunately, this phrasing does not add any value. You are still portrayed as if you were doing all that but not leading and incentivizing.

However, this is easily editable. You can reach out to a professional CV writer and get the help you need. They will easily replace these passive verbs with action ones, and it will transform your resume dramatically.

Resume Not Serving as a Powerful Marketing Tool

Your resume should be able to portray you as an achiever rather than a doer. So please refrain from copying and pasting duties that you find on the internet. Instead, think of your accomplishments and things that make you stand out.

Use bullet points to explain problems that you managed to handle. Talk about the initiatives that you’ve driven. Make sure you write about your professionalism rather than just list the duties common for specialists in your field.

The Trouble with Locating Keywords

Modern resumes should comply with ATS-friendly rules and requirements to go through the scanning process. Keywords are central to it. The ATS picks up the words you used to describe your accomplishments and compares them with those used in the targeted job description. If you can’t find them when you read the offering, you need the help of an editor.

This is the part where CV writing can remind you of SEO. Search engines promote articles with the most relevant keywords to the ones you have. ATS works the same way.

Structure Concerns

Sometimes people want to include all their accomplishments in their resume. This is also a wrong strategy. Relevance must be critical when you are working on your job application.

You need to structure your CV and include only those skills, accomplishments, and certifications that are relevant. If you find it hard to define your strengths, you can do that with the help of an editor. They specialize in filtering information that can really make you stand out from the crowd.

No Feedback on Your Resume

If you are sure that your resume is good, but for some reason, you don’t get any feedback, it might be a sign that you need to find someone to edit your work. Sometimes the mistakes you make are not that obvious. A professional will definitely see them through. Moreover, having a second pair of eyes to go over the draft and fix typos is also a great help.

We assure you that even if it is a formatting mistake, it can affect how your CV performs in the market. So please do not hesitate to ask for help as soon as you see that you need it.


Resume editing is always a good idea. Whether you are sure about the quality of your work or you need to consult someone, it’s always better to have someone proofread it for you.

Professional editors usually have all the necessary skill sets to assess your resume the way HRs and recruiters do. That basically means that they will correct even the slightest mistakes that you might have missed to build a stronger professional profile for you. Why not take the chance of making your resume better?

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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