
Common Reasons Behind Visiting A Dentist In An Emergency Setup

Dental care is not considered to be an emergency procedure. There are no dentists involved in the emergency care team of any hospital. People ignore their regular dental visits, let alone visit a dentist in an emergency setting. However, there are certain situations when emergencies do arise in the dental setup too. 

If you require a dentist in the middle of the night, you can reach out to dentist Inglewood at New Image Dental located in Inglewood, CA. The dentists in this clinic are dedicated to providing the best dental care to their patients even if they have to see them at the wee hours for providing them relief from the excruciating pain that is not getting any relief from prescribed pain medications. 

Emergency dental care – When is it required?

There are certain scenarios when an emergency visit to the dentist becomes very crucial. Some such cases are:

  1. Injured or broken tooth:

If you have sustained an injury that has knocked out your teeth from the socket or has broken a large chunk of it, you can experience excruciating pain along with bleeding. In these cases, emergency dental care becomes a necessity. 

If only a small portion of the tooth gets chipped off, you need not panic and see your dentist at the next possible appointment. However, during a complete knock-out, you don’t have a lot of time for saving your tooth. 

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Before you reach out to the emergency dentist, keep your tooth in milk to prevent its fibers from degenerating. 

  1. Tooth pain that is not getting any relief from medication:

Persistent and excruciating tooth pain could be a sign of infections and jaw abscesses. An abscess can also cause fever and swelling. If your pain is not getting any relief from OTC pain medications and making it difficult for you to even fall asleep, you must visit the nearest emergency dental services immediately. 

  1. Severe bleeding from the gums:

When you have gum disease like gingivitis, mild bleeding from the gums while brushing is common which must be evaluated by your dentist at your next visit. 

However, when there is more than usual bleeding accompanied by swelling and pain, it could be a sign of severe periodontal disease which requires an emergency visit to the dentist. 

  1. Jaw swelling:

Swelling is not always caused by gum diseases, but is more often a sign of infection that has reached the jaw or even cancerous lesion, which is why swelling of the face or jaw should never be ignored and should get an evaluation on an emergency basis. 

Even when you have loose dental fillings or crowns, you must try to get to your dentist as soon as possible to avoid infection from spreading to deeper parts of the jaw. If you are getting a metallic taste in your mouth, this could be a sign that you should get your appointment with the dentist as quickly as possible. 

You must call your dentist for the above problems even during night hours. If the clinic is closed, the staff will at least help you connect with the dentist who can prescribe medication until your morning appointment.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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