
Boob job 101: getting to know about breast augmentation

According to historical records the very first boob job – or breast augmentation surgery as it is clinically known – was carried out in 1895 in Germany. The intrepid surgeon, Dr Vincenz Czerny, who was also widely recognised for performing the first total hysterectomy via the vagina, is said to have implanted a benign lipoma after removing a tumour from a cancer patient’s breast. As it was described, this procedure was intended to “avoid asymmetry”.

Fast-forward to the 1950s and the modern silicone implant was first used to conduct breast augmentation. The patient was Timmie Jean Lindsey. Yet it was several more decades until breast implants and cosmetic surgery of the breast became the reliable, effective and popular treatment that we see today. In the USA alone, 300,000 people have augmentation surgery each year.

But what is breast augmentation surgery

Breast augmentation utilises either implants or fat transfer to increase or even out the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. Today, there are a number of implant and surgical procedure options that can be talked through with a specialist surgeon.

Implants remain the most popular form of breast augmentation and, unlike in previous generations, they now come in a number of different forms. These include:

Silicone implants

Implants made of a gel that bring structure and shape to the breasts. Silicone implants are robust and reliable in 2022.

Saline breast implants

A saline solution is used within a sterile case to provide shape to the breast. The benefit of saline implants is that should the implant break, the body would simply absorb the solution and naturally process it.

Form-stable breast implants

Known affectionately as “gummy bear” breat implants, the form-stable option serve to keep their shape even if the implant shell were to break. This is because the implants incorporate a thicker silicone gel for greater rigidity. As a consequence, this form of augmentation requires a larger incision to the skin of the breast.

Round breast implants

As the name suggests, round implants serve to give a more spherical appearance and make the breasts appear fuller. 

Smooth implants

A softer variation, smooth implants have a more natural appearance than other implants and move in a way that is more akin to the natural tissue of the breast.

An alternative to implants is fat transfer breast augmentation, which utilises liposuction to remove fat tissue from another area of the body and insert it into the breast. This approach is typically taken by women looking for small increases to breast size and would like to remove excess fat from areas such as the belly, thigh, back or flank.

Why get breast augmentation surgery

The simple answer is that boob jobs change the appearance of the breast and achieve an aesthetic improvement. However, to label breast augmentation as a vanity procedure would be narrow minded.

Many of the people who undergo breast augmentation do so following a mastectomy, for instance. Similarly, women who suffer a change in size, shape and symmetry of their breasts after pregnancy and breastfeeding opt for surgery in order to achieve the look they had enjoyed before children. Similarly, some women opt for augmentation surgery in order to combat long-term self-esteem issues.

Post-surgery recovery

Whilst augmentation surgery is extremely common in the present day, it is important to note that it is not a minor procedure and warrants careful consideration before electing to undergo treatment. After all, full recovery from this surgery typically takes between six and eight weeks before the swelling and bruising goes down.

James Morkel

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