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How To Promote Your Business Through Instagram: 10 Ways That Actually Work

Without a doubt, social media has significantly impacted our social lives. As a result of social media, the globe has become a smaller place. We can phone, text, or even conduct video calls to individuals in real-time. I was thinking about what might happen if a man from the 1500s arrived in 2021. What do you think his reaction will be when he realizes how far our planet has progressed in science and technology? Just imagine, don’t say anything. Okay, we’re not discussing science or technology here. Maybe a smidgeon of technology.

Instagram is a universe unto itself because of features, complete with realms of lifestyles, luxury, celebrities, and, not to mention, businesses, which is the topic of this piece. You’re surely aware that Instagram , or social media in general, isn’t only for photos and videos of where you’re going on vacation, what you’re doing for fun, fashion, and trends. It has evolved into a business hub where you can use all the marketing strategy to  expand your Business and Brand.

This guide will inform you of 10 ways of promoting your business on Instagram, and guess what? It works.

Here is how.

10 Ways To Promote Your Business On Instagram

Knowing how to build your business on Instagram will be a critical component of your digital marketing plan. Here are some business-related Instagram tips.

  1. Bio Optimization

First, you need to understand how to properly optimize your bio, as this is the first thing followers will check. Does it have a brief description of your bio? Is there a link to your business website? Does your bio image highlight what your business is about?

If your answer to the above questions is “no,” then you may need to re-evaluate why you created an account for your business in the first place. So, what do you need to do? Go back to your bio and make those changes. People sometimes click on your bio to find out what your business is really about, and if there is nothing to prove it, such as a link or a brief description of your business, it may turn them away. 

  1. Post Attractive And Unique Content

Instagram is more of a visual-relation platform; people are more concerned about what you post than the caption (not saying the caption is not important).

To capture a user’s attention, you don’t need to make seven trips around the seven wonders (though that won’t be a bad idea if you think about it). Still, you need to focus your efforts on making posts (pictures and videos) that are unique to your business, properly edited, and of high-quality resolution. You can use an amazing Instagram video editor to make your videos and with that you can give your photos a polished finish that will portray a difference from others. 

Remember, you are promoting your business, so an attractive or attention-grabbing post is important. InVideo can do justice to that as well.

  1. Make Use Of Instagram Live And Stories

A picture is just a picture, very brief. But with Instagram Live and Stories, you have the opportunity to portray your business in short videos. In short videos, you can describe what you do as a company and bring your business personality to light. Live and Stories are fantastic features because they allow you to reach a larger audience, generating feedback and engagement for your posts. You should make sure your stories are well edited. Again, make use of the KW Insta video editor. A good video or picture background is also important.

Instagram live posts and stories usually disappear after twenty-four hours. However, there are now features to organize them on your bio. 

  1. Make Posts Regularly

You must post regularly, and you will want to keep your followers updated now and then. Being consistent with your posting schedule can also bring customers or followers to your bio, and the more clicks you get on your bio, the greater your chances of getting customers.

There are certain tools you can use to schedule your posts on Instagram, and these tools make it easy for you to post daily and on schedule.

  1. Join Hashtags and Trends Strategically

Hashtags spring up on Instagram now and then. Some don’t make it far; some become huge trends on the platform and beyond. To promote your business, you may need to use these hashtags. Be sure it is the right hashtag for your business, and make sure you are not seen as insensitive by introducing your business to these hashtags.

To get the best results, use your industry’s hashtags sparingly. However, Instagram permits up to 30 hashtags per post, which does not mean you should. Select the top 10 in your business field and incorporate them into each post.

  1. Share Your Posts To Other Social Media Platforms

Instagram allows you to share your post to either Facebook or WhatsApp (if you’ve got enough contacts, it’s also a good way to promote your business). Especially with the status similar to IG stories.

Make use of other social media platforms as well.

  1. Invite An Industry Expert

Having an industry expert manage your Instagram account or other accounts for a few days can add diversity and excitement to your feed.

  1. Offer Giveaways

A lot of us like free stuff. People will jump on any giveaway offered online. You can also take advantage of this. You can team up with other accounts to host giveaways, and it will surely bring new customers or followers into the fold.

  1. Track Your Account’s Analytics

Tracking how well your posts perform can provide insight into the best strategy for your next post. Posting to Instagram stories, joining, or creating hashtags won’t mean much if your posts are not getting the due numbers.

You can use the Instagram analytic tool to view insights on who clicked, who liked, who followed, and the likes.

10.   Pay Attention To Your Posts

Don’t just post something and leave it as it is. Give answers to questions, respond to comments, and “like” your followers’ comments on your post. This is important to boost your business growth. Unfortunately, many business brands ignore this.


Buying social media followers may be one way to go about growing your business on Instagram, but most people consider it unethical or deceptive. Nevertheless, many business brands may have undertaken it or considered it. However, it is important to note that organic growth is the best and lasts longer. With consistency, you will meet your expected goal.

Christopher Stern

Christopher Stern is a Washington-based reporter. Chris spent many years covering tech policy as a business reporter for renowned publications. He has extensive experience covering Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commissions. He is a graduate of Middlebury College. Email:[email protected]

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